Knight With Greasy Ass Hair (BuckyxClint) [SOUL MATE AU]

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AN: always thought about doing a soul mate au but kinda always thought they were too tacky (?) but this one sounded good with this ship >:D

Leave me ideas/prompts/etctetc pls. I have one brain cell and am running on nothing.

Summary: Clint runs into his soul mate in a way he'd never expect and as it turns out his soul mate makes amazing pancakes. 

Third Person's POV

If there's one thing he hated; it was running. It was never stamina that was the problem, it was how his legs simply throbbed after a while. When he noticed the dull ache, that's when the shortness in his breath becomes apparent. It really only goes downhill from there; the dryness in the back of his throat, the sweat clinging to his clothes and the thundering of his heart in his ears.

God, running really was the worse but fortunately he was good at it.

He had been running from anything and everything most of his life, found what tactics worked and what caused near death experiences. Misdirection always worked well though, people's naiveness usually worked in his favour.

Usually; which was why he wasn't expecting a sudden blow to the gut as he across the rooftops of Manhattan. The bow in his hand was released and slid across the pavement.

He staggered backwards as the air was violently knocked out of him and could barely catch his breath when an arm just missed his head. As he tried to retaliate the man quickly intercepted and hit back twice as hard. His eyes darted around the other man, trying to pinpoint a place to attack but nothing was left vulnerable.

There was a moment where he managed to land a kick against their chest, they barely moved and instead pulled out a combat blade strapped to their thigh.

This is going to be fun, he thought to himself as he readied himself for another fight.

This time their moves were a lot faster, more coordinated than before. He could barely keep up, unable to find a solution fast enough in order to defend himself better.

"Hey." He managed to speak in the midst of their fight. An arm then snaked around his neck and he struggled to break free. "Bucky...right?" He then felt the arm loosen slightly and he took that as an opportunity to counter.

He elbowed the man's rib before ducking under and flipping him over against the hard ground. The soldier grunted but quickly got back on his feet and regained composure.

"C'mon, you can't seriously want to kill me." He panted as he pointed towards himself, "It would be a waste of your energy and then the Avengers would be after you. Especially Steve."

He hoped names would help jog the memory but Bucky didn't even flinch; didn't even spare him a second.

"Anybody ever tell you that you talk too much?" The man growled in his ear as he was apprehended once again. As he attempted to escape he felt the cold sting of the knife against his neck. "Or how stupid you are for attacking a HYDRA base alone?"

Alright, even he could admit that that was a dumb action on his part but the backup from SHIELD wouldn't have arrived fast enough. It was only meant to be a simple recon mission anyway, he assumed that nothing would go wrong. Boy, he regretted those assumptions now.

"Talkative dumb blondes are some people's type you know?"

Without even a fraction of a warning the knife was then cut along his throat. He barely even registered what happened. One minute he was standing on his own two feet, the next he was on the ground gasping like a fish out of water. His hand pressed against the wound on his neck but felt the blood gush out with no intent of stopping.

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