Insufferable (StevexClint) [CYS 1/??]

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AN: I just finished watching Queer Eye recently and ugh it was so good and it makes me cry.
If you guys have seen it tell me who's your favourite!! I can't choose between Tan or Antoni.

Also infinity war is out in HD yo, now we get to suffer in HD ;.;

I also want to apologise for lack of updates, I am in a rut w everything rn, life + creative things. I have your prompts and believe me when I say I've tried writing them, but I either hate it or it loses its point.
That's not to say I won't be doing them, because I hate disappointing you guys. It just might be a while.

Summary: Clint Barton was ticking time bomb and snaps at everybody he talks to. Steve ought to do something about hat.

Third Person's POV

Nobody had planned for the Avengers to stay together after New York. The team was put together in a split second and their contrasting personalities would make things difficult. Nevertheless, they pushed past the odds and continued to stay together. Everyone tried to get along with one another...well, mostly everyone.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" Clint Barton growled as he stumbled into the common area at 10:52 in the morning. "Move out of my way." He shoved the person away as he reached for the coffee machine on the kitchen counter.

Steve Rogers narrowed his eyes at the younger man but moved to his side. The soldier had gotten well acquainted with every other Avenger except Barton. It seemed everybody else on the team had the same luck as him except Romanoff. The two assassins shared a history that neither wanted to disclose.

It wasn't as if Rogers hadn't tried being nice to him; but it seemed the nicer he was, the angrier the man would get.

"We're out of coffee." Rogers stated as he watched the younger man rummage around for the cartridges. Barton exhaled through his nose and slammed his palms against the counter.

"I think I can tell." The assassin gritted, "Who the hell normally buys groceries?"

"We're taking turns."

"What are we? Children? Doesn't Stark have a fucking butler to do all this shit?"

"We're more than capable to buy groceries, like you said, we're not children." Rogers crossed his arms, he knew he shouldn't get frustrated, but Barton made that very difficult. The younger man slowly walked up towards him then jabbed him in the chest with his index finger.

"Are you forever incapable of not pissing me off?" Barton whispered in a low tone. If this was anybody else the soldier likely would have punched them. The problem was Clint Barton was his teammate also the man was so much shorter than him. His head barely reached Steve's shoulders, but then again, Rogers was freakishly tall. "Whatever, I'm going to go down to a café then."

Barton moved past the other man and purposely slammed his body against the soldier. Rogers clenched his fists as he watched the younger man disappear. For a while he wondered what to do, he knew the assassin couldn't keep acting like this but how could he stop him?

Just then Stark and Romanoff walked into the common room drenched in sweat. It was safe to assume that they had just finished working out.

"You look troubled Captain." Stark smirked as he opened the fridge and reached for a smoothie. Rogers turned his head and made eye contact with the brunette. Tony also occasionally got on his nerve but he knew that the genius was only teasing him.

"It's Barton." Rogers admitted as he sat down on a high chair across the countertop. "What's his deal? I'm just trying to smoothen out a relationship with him."

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