Avenging (SteveXTony)

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AN: Sorry for the really slow update guys, I've been really sick and really stuck for prompts so therefore delay for the update :D

Just going to be a Stony chapter where I change the Civil War fight because *Cough* Cap was supposed to die *CoUGH*


Summary: Rogers and Stark were nowhere done with their fight, but when Ross gets involved and murders the Captain, Tony has to find a way to avenge his friend.

Third Person's POV

"Last chance Rogers, stand down" Tony said standing his ground, bringing up his repulsors towards Steve. Rogers panted, getting up onto his knees and glanced up towards his former friend. The Captain's eyes glanced towards Barnes who rolled over weakly. "I...I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have"

Rogers never replied and finally managed to stand on his feet, he could tell behind the armour that Tony wouldn't be able to handle much more.

"It doesn't have to end this way Tony" Steve panted and tried to reason once more. "I'm sorry about your parents I really am...and I'm sorry that we couldn't agree on the accords"

Stark clenched his fists at the mention of his parents but took a deep breath. "I don't care about the accords Steve; we're never going to stop breaking the rules. As for my parents...of course I'm pissed who wouldn't be?! I've said it once and I'll say It again, I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart. I value our friendship, this bond or whatever we have!"

Steve seemed slightly shocked at the words that came out of Tony's mouth but before he could reply a bullet hit directly into Roger's stomach. Rogers gasped and fell forwards towards the cement floor, it took a moment for Stark to register what had happened.

(AN: HII it's Kitty's friend here to leave your dear author a note to stop procrastinating and write this chapter!)

Seconds later soldiers came in with guns in their hands, Stark recognised them immediately they were Ross's soldiers. Stark's face plate opened revealing his look of disbelief coated with anger.

"Who the hell gave the order to shoot?!" Stark demanded, but when he tried to approach Steve the soldiers pointed their guns at Tony's head. "What the hell are you waiting for?! He's dying!"

The soldiers turned around to face Steve who laid on the floor, life draining out of his body.

"Steve..." Barnes breathed softly and tried his best to get up. Tony watched helplessly as more men came in and apprehended Barnes.


"He's what?!" Stark growled, shoving the man against the wall. The doctor swallowed nervously and placed his hand over Stark's.

"We're sorry, with the amount of blood he lost-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, I saw him before you dragged his ass in here. What the hell did you do to him!?" Stark shouted, the doctor didn't know how to reply.

"The guns that those men used they were-" Before the doctor could finish his sentence Stark punched him in the face. Tony let go of the other man's lapels before walking way completely speechless. He banged his fist against the wall and felt tears run down his face but he turned his heels and pushed the doctor aside walking into the room.

Rogers was laid on the examination table still in his uniform. Stark sat down on a chair and stared at the floor.

"I'm so sorry" He whispered, "I never realised that he would resort to killing you. That was never in the plan. Was this all worth it Steve? This stupid fight? Was it all worth it...?"

Tony glanced back up and studied Rogers, he frowned when he realised something was wrong. He stood up and hovered over the Captain. It was subtle and well-hidden but around Roger's neck there were signs that bruises were forming.

"Signs of asphyxiation" Tony mumbled to himself, he quickly pieced things together. "That means he was still alive when they brought him in...Ross wanted him dead"

Suddenly someone else barged into the room, Stark snapped his body around and leaned against the table. He sighed in relief when he realised it was Romanoff, she shut the door behind her and locked it.

"Rogers was still alive-"

"When he got here I know" Tony finished his sentence, he clenched his fist by his side. "The minute I get my hands on Ross-"

"We can't just barge in there, we have no proof" She stopped him, he could feel tears stinging his eyes again. To his surprise she pulled him into a hug. "I know this was never what you wanted"

"Why did it have to end this way? I never wanted him dead, that son of a bitch is going to get what's coming to him" He whispered in a tone that Natasha had never heard from him. He pulled away, "Security tapes?"

"Nothing...you need to break the news to everyone else Tony" She said, "I'll dig into this a bit more alright?"

Stark nodded and moved towards the door unlocking it, "Be careful Natasha"


"That's why I think Ross killed him" Tony sighed, everyone was left speechless. Stark had managed to get past RAFT security to talk with everyone. It took a while for everyone to register what Stark had just said.

"What are you going to do?" Wilson asked, clearly disgruntled.

"Romanoff is already looking into it. But Ross has the whole government behind him" Stark said.

"But if you can prove that he murdered Rogers, then he won't have anyone backing him up" Wilson remarked. Stark shrugged in agreement.

"I never wanted a fight" Tony then said. They all looked at him. "A fight was the last thing I wanted."

"A fight was the last thing anyone wanted" Barton smirked, "Go, find out what happened to Rogers. Tell us if you need help."

Tony nodded and glanced around at everyone. "Thanks for having my back"

"We're the Avengers, our job is to Avenge people" Barton remarked, "No matter how many fights we have we'll always have your back Tony. So go find evidence and when you do I'll beat the shit out of Ross"

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