Recovery (SteveXPietro)

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AN: EHH SO SORRY FOR UPLOADING A CLINTASHA ONE FOR YOU WHO WITNESSED. I did write it up at like 1 am and my brain was just not working. So once again so sorry, eh please tell me if I do something stupid again XD

So one of you guys requested a SteveXPietro which sounds really really cute! Leave me prompts guys :)

Summary: Months have passed since Pietro's death; Wanda had managed to move on but there are still others waiting on him.

Third Person's POV

The light blared against his eyes as he woke up. He slowly sat up and covered his eyes with his arm before rubbing his tired eyes. He glanced around the room before looking over his own body, he pushed the covers away and stepped down onto the cold floors. He studied his surroundings, unsure of exactly where he was.

He sighed and stretched his neck and arms, then running off to find someone he could talk to. He stopped at what seemed to be a common area. At first he thought no one was there until someone caught his attention.

"P-Pietro?" The voice sounded surprised, the silver-haired man whipped his head around and grinned. "Aren't you supposed to be recovering?"

Only Stark and Rogers knew about Pietro's regeneration, they decided it was best not to tell everyone else. It was better to keep quiet just in case the procedure didn't work.

"Didn't I die?" Was the first thing Maximoff asked, he lifted up his shirt to check for any scars. Rogers sighed and turned away. "Does Wanda know?"

"Tony and I decided not to tell anyone just in case we couldn't bring you back" Rogers said politely and turned his attention back towards the enhanced. "How are you feeling?"

"Not dead...?" Pietro smiled nervously, Steve laughed. "Is Wanda here?"

"She's out buying groceries with Vision. Everyone else is home if that helps" The Captain reassured, Pietro nodded and sat down on the couch. He looked up on his own hand, still fascinated by the fact that he's alive.

"It's weird being alive again" Maximoff muttered, then closing his eyes. Steve sat down next to him on the couch.

"Did it hurt...?" Steve asked, Pietro gave him a look and the Captain glanced away. "Sorry"

"No, it's fine" Pietro reassured, "It hurt for a while...then everything sort of went black. I'm not too sure how to explain, sorry"

"It's okay, I don't expect you to be able to explain anyway" The soldier smiled softly, studying the younger man. He seemed to be at peace, his silver hair just touching his eye lashes. Suddenly the elevator door opened and Wanda stepped in with a bag full of groceries. She suddenly gasped, dropping the groceries but fortunately Vision caught the bag.

"P-Pietro?!" She sounded aghast, he got up and went to hug her. She started crying into his shoulder and Rogers and Vision shared a look. "I thought you were dead"

"I thought the same" He whispered, soothing her the best he could. "It's alright, I'm here now"


"Are all these extra tests necessary?" Pietro huffed, Rogers smiled and watched as Bruce examined the younger man. Ever since Pietro's recovery, they've been checking for any side effects. Fortunately, no effects were developing. "This is a waste of time!"

"Has anyone ever told you that you need to take things slow" Steve managed to tease, Pietro raised an eyebrow. Over the past week Rogers had been supervising Pietro ensuring that he didn't do anything reckless. To place it in words, the experience was...frustrating. It was hard to catch up with a man who was faster than a speeding bullet.

"I do take things slow, you're just old" Maximoff mocked back, Rogers sighed and crossed his arms. "Aren't you like 100?"

"That's exaggerating it slightly" Steve commented, but the comments kept on coming.

"I thought Mr Archer was old but you're really old" The younger man rambled, Steve groaned and rubbed his forehead.

We probably should have never tried recovering him Steve thought miserably, this guy is harder to manage than a five-year-old. 

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