Friends? (stevexclint but i guess he sorta grows a conscience) 2/2

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AN: alright, since yall asked for a second part, you shall receive :)

Its so long and so boring fuck please don't read it, im just uploading it for the sake of it.

Summary: Steve is still with Clint and Tony is still as curious as ever.

Third Person's POV

A year or so had passed since the confrontation outside that convenience store.

He hadn't talked to Tony since, no matter how much he wanted to.

He wanted to apologise for what he said and really just wanted a friend again. It was difficult to talk to people when all they wanted to know was the unspoken tension between Rogers and Stark.

Occasionally when Steve wasn't around the two would make eye contact. Tony smiled at him during those days and he found himself smiling back.

It wasn't as if he disliked his fiancé, the boy just had a tendency of being possessive. Although his methods of expressing his wants were violent he knew that Steve was just protective of him.

He could appreciate that much at least.

"Steve?" He muttered as he pushed the office doors open. "You didn't come down for dinner, so I brought you some food."

He saw his partner hovering over papers on the desk. The boy seemed frustrated and a part of him wanted to ask what was wrong.

He set the food down nearby and felt Steve touch his hand.

"How sweet of you." His partner said as his grip tightened around Clint's hand.

His eyes flicked down towards their hands before they focused on Steve once again. "Is everything alright?"

Steve smiled but it wasn't the good kind and he felt his heart rate increase. "Perhaps taking over my father's company might have been a little too much."

"You're only eighteen." He reminded in a soft voice, "You also have school to deal with atop of this."

The older boy turned towards him briefly and his hand touched Clint's face. "Perhaps you're right."

He swallowed, unsure of what Steve was going to say or do. "Y-You can't get somebody to help you?"

"I don't trust anybody in that company. If I had it my way then I wouldn't hesitate to fire everybody there."

He pursed his lips and broke eye contact with his partner for a moment. "Final exams are coming up, perhaps it would be best to get some help. You're still a kid, you don't have to do everything yourself."

Cold fingers caressed his cheek and he almost pulled away. "You know..."

His eyes fluttered when Steve's hand moved for his neck. Eye contact was forced, and he found himself short of air.

"The last time somebody called me a kid I had them shot."

He paused as what his partner said registered. No, that couldn't have been right. Steve didn't have that much power, did he?

"You killed somebody." He whispered as tears stung his eyes and the other boys seemed nonchalant about that fact. "Oh God."

"You're an orphan so perhaps you'll never understand this." Steve breathed down his neck, "But people don't have this much money cleanly."

I'm marrying a psychopath, were the only thoughts running through his head. He tried to push the other boy off him, but Steve then forcefully shoved him down onto the table.

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