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AN: So once again no specific ships, but hints at ships here and there. I thought it would be cute for a domestic chapter :) Be sure to leave me prompts <3

Summary: In between their frantic lives the Avengers still have time to relax. Yes this counts buying groceries and them having fights over the phone.

Third Person's POV

"Tony I don't think they sell those" Steve sighed and glanced down the endless lanes of goods.

"What do you mean they don't have those?! What kind of store does not sell Liguria olives?" Stark practically screamed over the phone, Steve whined and glanced around.

"Maybe it's because they don't sell billionaire olives"

"How come my butler can find them?"

"Ever considered that your butler might ship them from somewhere, don't they all taste the same?"

"No!" Stark huffed like an angry child, Rogers could hear him stomp his foot on the other end. "Next time I'm picking where you buy groceries from"

"Alright, what else do we need?" The Captain sighed in annoyance, he walked down the aisle and stopped by the dairy section. "Do we need milk?"

"Natasha wanted organic milk" Stark commented, spinning around on his office chair while signing some documents. "Bruce said he wanted Lassi yoghurt"

"What is actually wrong with you all?!" Rogers groaned, searching for the products. Surprisingly he found them and placed them in the basket. "Is that it?"

"Well we ticked off what we need, it all depends on you and Barton...Actually wait, Barnes wanted plums" Stark thought, stapling pages together and placing them aside. Rogers nodded and tried to find plums along with trying to find Barton. The archer tagged along with him to the supermarket but he disappeared without a trace.

"I think I lost Clint" Rogers commented and picked a couple of plums. Stark laughed on the other end.

"How on earth do you lose a 23-year-old in a supermarket?" Stark grinned his ass off, standing up and stretching. He had been stacked with paperwork for his companies for the past couple of weeks, "He's probably in the kid's section"

"Why would he even be there?" The soldier frowned, making his way down to the children's section. As he got there, someone ran up and jumped on him from the back, Rogers got the air knocked out of him. It was Barton smirking, the archer placed two boxes of cereal and a tonne of coffee in the basket. "You scared me"

"Well maybe you should be more on your toes" Clint suggested, glancing into the heavy basket that Rogers was carrying. "Where's the alcohol?"

"We don't need alcohol" Rogers said sternly, moving towards the check-out centre.


"Stark has a bar"


"No buts" The Captain sighed, placing the basket on the counter and watched the staff scan the items. As the staff handed him the items, Rogers handed most of the bags towards Barton. The archer sighed and took them walking behind Rogers back towards the car park.

"You would think we'd have a butler" Clint commented.

"We do" Rogers replied.

"Then why don't we use him?"

"Because he's a human being and needs a break"

"He's a butler, isn't he our slave?" Barton asked, placing the groceries inside the boot of the car. Rogers shot him a look and shut the trunk, before entering the car. Barton sat shotgun and propped his feet up before Rogers shot him another look. "You're no fun"


"This is stupid" Barton commented as they walked around the shopping mall, Stark glanced his direction and smirked.

"Clint you can't just sit indoors all day" His friend teased, Barton looked and him and huffed shoving his hands into his pocket. "Plus everyone else wanted to go out"

"And they're nowhere to be seen!" Clint threw his arms up In the air, Stark laughed and walked past a couple of designer stores.

"Romanoff said she needed new shoes, coincidentally Rogers also needed a pair. While Bruce accompanied Barnes somewhere" Tony explained, walking inside the store. The store clerk recognised who he was and approached them. "Could you get me this in 34?"

The clerk nodded and ushered off to find his sizing, Tony turned towards Clint who sat down and crossed both his legs and arms. Stark pouted at him and Clint just looked away in annoyance, the clerk soon came back with his size.

"Care to join me in the dressing room?" Tony winked, Clint perked up at that and looked at him. "Are you that desperate for me?"

Clint turned red and looked away again, "S-stop"

"You're adorable" Stark smirked before disappearing into the dressing room, about five minutes later Barnes and Banner showed up.

"Where's Stark?" Barnes asked, Barton glanced up and saw the bags that the soldier was carrying.

"Trying on clothes" Clint replied, "What did you buy?"

"A sweatshirt" Bucky said and watched as Stark walked out of the dressing room. He had completely changed into a suit.

"How does it look?" Tony asked, the other three shared a look and shrugged. Stark rolled his eyes, "You guys are hopeless, I'm taking it"

And with that he disappeared back into the changing rooms, soon enough Romanoff and Rogers showed up.

"How'd shoe shopping go?" Bruce smiled softly, Rogers smiled back and scratched the back of his head.

"We managed, Natasha was indecisive" He laughed nervously, Romanoff glared at him as she sat on Barton's lap.

"I'm sorry they didn't have the colour" She crossed her arms, Barton sat up a little and listened to the conversation. Then Stark walked back out in his original outfit and handed the suit to the clerk, she quickly grabbed it and placed it in a bag. Stark paid swiftly and took the bag, walking towards the group.

"I swear the more breaks we get, the more we fight" Tony commented as they all got up to leave. "Then again you can't have a family without fights"

"Did you just call us a family?" Barnes scoffed, Tony shrugged.

"Well I mean you guys are the only thing I have left" Stark said, glancing at the group.

"When did this conversation get so touchy feely?" Clint smirked, Stark chuckled.

"I'm not quite sure but Starkbucks?" Tony suggested and with that the group agreed. 

Avengers One Shots (Gay Ships)(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now