Crush (TonyXT'Challa)

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AN: I'm sorry these prompts are coming out really slow but I promise I'm doing them!! This one is from (3_am_writer) Also guess who already booked their tickets for Infinity War ahahaha.

Also in Australia we get it 25th instead of 27th for you guys in America, so uh, might wanna avoid this book during that time :D

Also can we have younger!Peter for this.

Summary: Tony Stark has a 'crush' as Peter places it.

Third Person's POV

"Good morning Mr Stark and you too Mr Parker" The King of Wakanda, T'Challa acknowledged as he walked into the common area kitchen. "Do not let me disturb you, I came to make myself some coffee"

Tony Stark watched from a distance as the man turned on the coffee machine. Everything T'Challa seemed to do was done with elegance. He snapped back to reality when Peter smacked his arm.

"You said you'd help me with my homework." Peter Parker stuck his tongue out at the adult. Stark laughed nervously and picked up the pencil once again. His eyes glanced over towards the other man every so often. "Stop looking at your crush!"

Stark's eyes widened and covered the child's mouth. T'Challa frowned and slowly turned his head around. The genius just smiled and glanced back at Peter who frowned at him.

"You can't say that." Stark whispered.


"You just can't." The brunette hissed and saw the King pick up his coffee and leave the room. He let out a sigh of relief and glanced back at the child. "And adults don't have crushes."

"But you were looking at him a lot!"

"I look at you a lot as well!" Stark spoke and realised the strange pretence around that sentence. "Not in that way...not like you'd understand anyway." The child cocked his head to one side as he tried to decipher what the adult was saying. "Point is, I look at a lot of people and I don't have crushes."

"It's not how much you look at someone. It's how you look at someone." The child educated him. Stark smiled and let out a soft scoff. He ruffled Peter's hair and pushed the book back towards the child. "Read this out loud for me little guy."


"Leaving so soon your majesty?" Stark smirked as he stared at the other man. A jet was waiting behind the King, ready to go whenever he was.

"I only simply came to converse with your people." T'Challa smiled, "I'll come visit soon but you're more than welcome to visit Wakanda."

Stark scoffed and glanced down at the ground briefly. "Honestly that doesn't sound too bad."

"Besides Wakanda is much more beautiful for a date." T'Challa teased, for a second the remark flew past the genius's head. Then he realised and stiffened, his eyes slowly glanced back up at the man. "I overheard young Peter's remarks."

Stark groaned in embarrassment and flushed red. "Sorry about that."

"No, I find it flattering." The King chuckled. "So how about it Mr Stark?"

"Well you have my number, don't you?" Stark smirked, "I'll be ready when you are."

AN: Sorry it's so short but I didn't know how to extend and still keep it to what the request wanted. I'll upload the next prompt tomorrow to cover for the lack of reading material :) 

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