Kiss Me Again (StevexBucky)

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AN: Here's a non Infinity War chap. Also sorrynotsorry for the amount of updates I've been doing in this book lately. It's just Infinity War was fueling me with fic ideas, also prompts anyone?

Summary: Rogers decides to visit his best friend after they had stabilised him.

Third Person's POV

Steve Rogers remembered the day that T'Challa contacted him; he was told that Bucky Barnes had finally been stabilised and the soldier had never been more relieved. He told Sam Wilson that he had business to attend to and that he needed the quinjet. Although Wilson had problems with that, he more or less went with it and stayed behind with Romanoff.

Rogers arrived in Wakanda hours later and greeted the King who was waiting for him on the runway.

"Thank you again, I owe you more than you could possibly imagine." Rogers smiled as he shook T'Challa's hand.

"It was the least I could do." The King smiled and led the way. "You came alone?"

"I didn't want to bother my team." Rogers explained and continued to follow the other man as they were led towards Shuri's laboratory. "How is he?"

"He has continually been tested to ensure his stability. Sergeant Barnes has also been quite popular with the children here." T'Challa commented, the blonde couldn't help but smile. Barnes was finally starting to sound like his old self once again.

Rogers directed his attention towards Shuri who was doing final scans on Bucky Barnes.

"Captain Rogers! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Shuri greeted, her eyes briefly glanced over to Rogers before Barnes once again. The childhood friends eventually made eye contact and Rogers smiled warmly at him.

"Heard you helped my friend." Rogers said and walked closer towards them. Barnes smiled a little as he lowered his head.

"Honestly, it wasn't even that hard." Shuri said offhandedly, Rogers could hear the annoyed sigh of T'Challa from behind him. She then smacked Barnes's shoulder, the brunette stared at the spot where she hit him. "He should be all clear."

Shuri would tell anyone that she had become 'best friends' with the assassin, not many believed her. Barnes was just thankful that he had company, and if that meant a bubbly teenager that wanted to experiment on him, so be it.

Barnes jumped off the examination table and approached Rogers. The blonde immediately hugged him and the other man hugged him back.

"Good to see you back." Rogers mumbled, Barnes just smiled and let out a deep breath.

"Good to be back." He stated, as he glanced back up he saw Shuri wink at him. He blinked, unsure of what that meant but then she nudged her head towards Rogers. He realised what she was trying to say to him.

"So, when Mr America comes back to visit you, what are you going to do?" Shuri asked as the two walked along the banks of Wakanda. Barnes narrowed his eyes at the statement.

"What does that mean?" He asked innocently, she just laughed.

"You know, like are you going to kiss him?"

"What do you think Steve and I are?"

"Two people that need to start dating." She grinned like a child.

Barnes broke away from the memory when T'Challa spoke up, "I believe you two might want some private time, feel free to leave the building." The two soldiers shared a look and nodded. They thanked T'Challa once again before they left the building.

"How are you?" Rogers asked as the two ventured through the busy streets.

"A lot better than before." Barnes answered with a slight smile, "What's with you? I heard you flew all the way over here just to see me."

"I couldn't just not check on my best friend." Rogers said, "I just missed talking to you."

Barnes continued to smile, Rogers hadn't seen him happy in an awfully long time. "So what? I leave for a while and you become a superhero, get a boyfriend and now you guys got a divorce?"

Rogers chuckled, his eyes glinted underneath the sunlight. "Something like that...Do you really want to spend this time catching up about me?"

"Hell yes, anything I can use to tease you afterwards works perfectly fine with me." Barnes couldn't help but laugh as well. "C'mon tell me, how did you end up dating your godson?"

"Ton-Stark, isn't my godson." Rogers smiled.

"I remember Howard saying something along those lines." Barnes pointed out, "C'mon, you flew all the way out here, you have to tell me."


"So, I guess you're not coming back for a little while after this huh?" Barnes said as Rogers was about to leave.

"I'd love to stay but you're safer here and my team needs me." Rogers said and let out a deep breath, he hugged his friend once again. "Stay safe."

"I should be staying that to you punk." Barnes called back to the nicknames that they used to call one another.

"Jerk." Rogers smirked as he pulled away, the two stared at each other for a while before the blonde turned his heels and walked towards the quinjet.

"Steve wait!" The brunette called out, Rogers turned around and walked back towards Barnes once again. Then he kissed him with no warning. The blonde was taken back and was still trying to register what was happening. Rogers then kissed him back, he never knew how much he wanted this until now. "Just so you don't forget me."

"Wasn't planning to forget you, but want to kiss me again just to make sure?" Rogers smiled and flushed after he realised what he said. Barnes just laughed before he eagerly kissed him once again. 

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