I Want A Cheeseburger (no ship really but maybe stony?)[ENDGAME SPOILERS]

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AN: idk what this is, theres not really a ship or a point to it but I just watched endgame again and I still have a lot of feelings about these two dumb dumbs.

I also saw a comic I think on this on tumblr.

also heres a page of my bullet journal which i do not update regularly

Summary: Tony finds Natasha in the after world, they chill for a bit.

Third Person's POV


A soft voice called out towards him and he turned around. His eyes fluttered at the sight of the person and for a moment he stood there like a deer caught in headlights.

"Natasha?" He answered and took cautious steps towards her.

She smiled at him, the familiar smile he had gotten accustomed to over the past couple of years. The smile that meant that she was truly happy.

"I really can't leave you boys for more than five minutes huh?" She scoffed softly.

He ran towards her and pulled her into a hug. Her eyes widened, surprised at the sudden display of affection. Nevertheless her hands pulled him closer and accepted the warm hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and met her gaze as if he were looking for an answer through her eyes.

Her hand touched his face, "For what?"

"You shouldn't have had to sacrifice your life for the stone." He managed as tears pricked his eyes.

She smiled at him once again, as if to tell him that things were okay. "If I didn't, then we wouldn't have won."

"We won didn't we?" He mused and glanced around where he was.

He couldn't describe it, it was just all white but there was a serenity to it.

"Yeah, I watched." She nodded, "Are you okay?"

"Frankly I don't even remember what happened." He laughed nervously and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I remember getting the stones off Thanos then I-"

Ah right, he snapped his fingers didn't he? The power of the entire universe swam through his body, there was no way he could have survived that even if he wanted to. It wasn't painful though, or at least he thinks he didn't die painfully.

"You're strong Tony but not that strong." She shook hear head and glanced around their surroundings, "I can't even tell how long I've been here for."

"What do you even do? There's literally nothing here."

"I was never much a believer in the afterlife." She muttered and she listened, "But I don't think we're in hell, at least that's what I assume."

He grinned, "A place as white as this? Unless hell decided to have a makeover, I doubt that's where we are."

"Follow me." She urged and turned her heels.

He followed closely behind and soon enough they were met with calming waters. His eyes sparkled at the sight and wanted nothing more than to sit on the soft white sands.

She sat down close to the water and he sat beside her. He couldn't remember the last time he spoke to Natasha alone. They were close, he considered her to be his younger sister, but they never really had the time to just chill.

"Do you think they have cheeseburgers here?" He mused, and she laughed at him.


"What? If this really is paradise then surely they'd have cheeseburgers somewhere." He thought about it before he laid down on the sand.

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