Conscience (StevexClint) [CYS 6/6]

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AN: I realised in the last steve and clint one, I couldn't do my math and im so sorry. I pretty much just finished high school at the time where I did advanced calculus for 2 years and it fried my brain. I can solve yo logarithmic functions but cant do simple addition :(

also this chapter is super short and i am so sorry for that, i just wanted to get an update out.

Summary: The aftermath of the mission.

Third Person's POV

A: Stay by Clint's side until the Avengers come. (79% chance of Barton's survival but 21% chance of yours)

"I'm not leaving your side."

The statement seemed to cause more of a problem with Clint than it did with him, even though it was his life. The younger man yanked him down with the arm that wasn't injured and gritted out his next couple of words.

"Yes, you are. I'm not going to have your life on my conscience."

He ignored him and took the gun that was strapped to the younger man's thigh. He shot the weapon in an effort to push back the enemy. Every so often he glanced back at Clint who continued to apply pressure against his wound.

However there was only so much he could do with his current situation, armed men circled them and his hand reached out for his shield. He threw the shield towards one direction and left the other side exposed, guns fired and he expected bullets to pierce his body.


His eyes fluttered as no pain came and snapped his head around only to find Clint on the ground, bleeding out more than he did before. He felt his stomach churn at the sight of blood that splattered along the ground and on his body. At that moment the Avengers finally came and fought off the rest of the enemy.

"Barton?" He called out and touched the younger man's shoulder. "Hey, answer me!"

There was no response and his throat restricted on itself. He knew he couldn't just stand around, he scooped up the body as carefully as he could and rushed out of the building.


Bruce Banner stepped out of the operating room with a heavy look on his face. The team already knew what the news was. Natasha rushed out of the room before the doctor even started to speak, Tony pushed past the man and ran into the room whilst Steve continued to stand there. He felt like he couldn't move, as if his feet were glued to the ground and his throat felt tight once again.

"I did what I could." Was the only thing Bruce managed to say, he knew that this couldn't have been easy on the doctor either. "I-I'm sorry-"

"Don't blame yourself." He managed to choke out and patted the man's shoulder, "Like you said, you did what you could."

Bruce forced a smile and quickly excused himself with blood still on his hands. He stood outside a little longer whilst he further collected his thoughts.

'I'm not going to have your life on my conscience.'

The words echoed within him and he almost scoffed at the irony. His eyes flickered up at the paned glass that allowed him to look into the room. His eyes fluttered as he saw Stark punch a wall before the man left the room.

He took that as his cue to step inside, then he sat down on the chair beside the bed. He let out a deep sigh before he buried his face in his hands.

"I didn't ask for this." He whispered and wanted nothing more than to throw something across the room. "I didn't ask for you to die for me."

For some fucking reason he believed that Clint would speak back, make some snarky remark but nothing came.

"I wish I got to know you better, figure out why you were so distant towards everybody." He let out a breathless laugh and shook his head.

He already lost Bucky, going through the whole process once felt almost too much.

"But I guess I won't be able to have that chance." He muttered, a beat passed. "I'm so sorry, I should have tried harder. If I had been smarter or quicker then you'd probably still be alive."

He sat there for a little while longer, before he stood up and left the room whilst he switched off the lights. A part of him wondered if this was all destined to be, perhaps if he hadn't tried to friend Clint then this wouldn't have happened. If he had thought through everything and been slightly more rational, then his friend would still be alive.

AN: hi don't kill me but yeaahh! This is how I decided to end this off, I'm sorry if it was shitty I'm super horrible with conclusions !! I know what you're thinking, was killing Clint impossible to avoid and the answer to the question is ???who knows???

But yes thank you so much to everyone for making this series as successful as it was, I could do something similar in the future if anybody would like but it probably won't be for a little while !!

Also I finally watched the Spideyverse movie and it is so good and cute I cannot. 

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