Troubles Of The Past (TonyxClint)

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AN: I wanna say three things??

One. If I opened up an IG account for Marvel edits would you guys be interested? I'll add what I mean in the next chap I upload :D
Two. Isa my birthday today?? Or whenever the 24th is for you so can I do a self-indulgent chapter pls and I'll get back to the prompts, ty. There's gonna be a lot of different interpretations for how the MCU, such as, Howard Stark is alive. Yayyy.
Three. I love y'all and the amount of support and comments recently has been frieken awesome.

Summary: Tony was raised in a household that could never love him, he ran away but unfortunately the past caught up.

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark was introduced to Clint Barton at the age of five. They were both shy but became inseparable after about an hour.

Peggy Carter had adopted the blonde boy from his abusive family whilst she was in America on business. Clint was rather adamant towards her initially but after a couple of days he realised that he would be safe under her care.

Most weekends would compromise of playdates with Tony and Clint. The two went to the same school together and continued to stay good friends as they grew up.

"Hey are you okay?" Barton asked one day at school, Stark looked rather glum which was unusual.

"I had another fight with my old man before I came to school." The brunette shrugged it off as he inputted his locker keycode. Barton stared at him with worried eyes, he knew how often Tony and his father argued. He knew how much Tony despised his father, unable to do much but take in the man's criticisms.

"You know you could always just stay over tonight." Barton offered, Carter also knew of Tony's situation with his father. "I mean the guest bedroom has essentially become your bedroom." That made Stark smile as he pulled out his books and shut the locker door once again.

"I might take you up on your offer blondie." Stark answered as he clutched his books to his chest. "C'mon we're already late to class."

Tony's relationship with his father only grew worse when he finally opened up about his sexuality. The boy had known a while ago that he was bisexual, but he only ever told Clint who simply just smiled and shrugged it off as if it was nothing. He was scared about telling his father but he knew he needed to let it out.

Howard Stark kicked him out of the household that night. Tony expected it, but it still hurt nevertheless. The boy ended up on Clint's doorstep at 12:07 am that morning completely drenched due to the rain.

Carter was surprised at Tony's sudden arrival but let the young man into her household. She handed him Clint's spare clothing and draped a blanket over him as he sat in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea.

"I-I don't want to see him again." Stark whispered as he warmed his fingers on the ceramic. She sat down beside him and rubbed his back soothingly. "I-I'm surprised you're not disgusted." He had already told her the scenario.

"Tony, liking both sexes is nothing to be ashamed of. Your father just like many others happen to be old fashioned. You're still you and nothing will ever change that." She reassured with a soft smile. "If it helps, you're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need to."

He leaned against her shoulder and smiled a little, "Thank really don't know how much that means to me."

When the boys finished high school, that's when they started to distance themselves. Somehow Tony had landed himself in Afghanistan with a shrapnel in his heart whilst Barton got dragged into working for SHIELD.

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