Annoyance (Mostly TonyxBucky)

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AN: Sorry this one took a little while. But this is for (SmallChild42) hope everybody enjoys and remember to leave prompts if you have any :)

Summary: Bucky and Tony finally warm up to each other. Stark took their newfound friendship as an opportunity to annoy Barnes.

Third Person's POV

"What do you mean you're busy? What could you possibly be doing?"

"I have to sort out matters from SHIELD."

"But Steve, you're always there."

"I know. It's just one time, I promise. Why don't you take Bucky with you?"

"I know you want me to get along with him, but that son of a bitch killed my mom. How am I supposed to sit in the same room with him?"

"It's that or you can just work by yourself."

Bucky Barnes stood nearby behind walls as he eavesdropped onto the conversation. He bit his lip as he heard the disdain from Stark's mouth. He had lived in the Avengers facility for well over six months now but he still felt as if he were an outsider. He only felt comfortable around Rogers and pulled himself away from group conversations.

He knew Stark hated the fact that Barnes lived in the same building as him. Stark originally did not want the assassin to be anywhere near his team but Rogers eventually convinced him. To this day Barnes felt Stark's glare if they were in the same room together.

"Fine! Only because nobody else will accompany me." Stark snapped, "And Barnes I know you've been behind that wall for the past ten minutes. Stop acting like a god damn coward and walk into the room."

Barnes flinched at the sudden uproar thrown at him. The man had faced deadly assassins without fear but somehow Stark was enough for him to panic. He slowly stepped into the light and stared into Stark's vexed eyes.

"Tony..." Rogers whispered, he knew Stark was beyond infuriated. "Don't be so harsh on him."

"I want you in my lab in about three hours. I just need some company, you'll probably be sitting there 'till god knows when. You better be fine with that." Stark stated before he stormed out of the room like a child throwing a tantrum. Barnes made eye contact with the blonde who smiled softly.

"Is this really a good idea? He hates me." Barnes muttered and ran his hand through his messy hair.

"The fact that he wants you in his workspace means otherwise. You'll be fine, I know it." Rogers reassured, "He just needs some company is all. You don't have to talk to him."


Barnes punched the code that was given to him and stepped into the room. There were blueprints on the floor, expensive cars parked to one side and equipment being built. The assassin heard a keyboard being typed into and walked towards the direction of the noise.

Eventually he stood a couple of feet away from the engineer who continued to type.

"You can sit wherever you want." Stark said without turning his head. Barnes was surprised that Stark heard him enter the room. "I might need your help at some point. Are you okay with that?" Barnes gave one simple nod. "You were born with a mouth, weren't you? You should use it."

"Y-yeah that'll be fine." Barnes licked his lips and found a chair behind him. He took a seat and watched as Stark placed headphones over his ears.

An hour eventually went by. Barnes studied the other man as he moved around the workplace as he worked on equipment for the Avengers. Tony then pulled his headphones down to his neck and turned off the loud music that blasted from it.

"So, what's the deal with you?" Tony suddenly asked, Barnes was used to Stark ignoring him and wasn't sure if that question was directed at him. "Asked you a question Manchurian candidate." Then the engineer stared into Barnes's eyes, his gaze softened from earlier.

"W-what do you mean?" Barnes muttered and tracked Stark's hand as he picked up a wrench.

"You've lived here for half a year but I still haven't seen you talk to anybody else except Mr America."

Barnes pursed his lips and thought about his answer. "I think it's best if I stayed out of everybody's way."

"I certainly hate you but I don't think that goes for anybody else. You should try talking to some of them sometimes." Stark regarded and hit the wrench against his desk. There was a moment of silence before Stark spoke once again. "Do you have any hobbies Barnes?"

"W-why are you trying to start small talk?" Barnes asked as polite as he could, Stark shot him a look.

"Well. I don't want to work in complete silence Barnes. So c'mon, hobbies?"

"I have none."

"You're a boring person." Stark said which made the assassin smile a little. "What about before this whole ordeal? When you were just a simple soldier? Did you have any hobbies then? I'm not taking 'I don't remember' as an answer."

"I think I liked partying."

"Don't think that's a hobby but I suppose we don't sound too different then."

Barnes glanced at Stark and nodded. The two made small talk for the next two hours whilst Stark continued to work. Somehow during the span of three hours Barnes already felt more comfortable around Stark.

"You know Barnes. If you didn't kill my parents, I feel as if we would have been good friends." Stark said as he turned his back against the soldier. Bucky's eyes fluttered as he smiled and nodded once again. "I'm in here again tomorrow and Capsicle is still away, wanna join me again?"


Somehow Barnes had managed to replace Rogers as Stark's friend during the times where he worked. Rogers didn't mind at all, especially if it meant that his closest friends could bond.

Barnes remembered the first time Stark laughed in front of him. It was as if he observed a rare animal in the wild. He wasn't sure what the engineer saw him as but if he was comfortable around Barnes, the soldier didn't particularly care.

They got so familiar that Stark had started to 'prank' him during these times. Pranks being that Stark would stick magnets against the assassin's metal arm.

Barnes awoke one day and saw Stark and Clint Barton behind the couch. They snickered to themselves and the soldier saw fridge magnets stuck against his arm. He sighed and had half the mind to hit either of them.

As more time passed by, Stark went from talking to Barnes to plainly just annoying him for the fun of it. However, he knew that Stark had placed some form of trust in him as if Barnes were to annoy him back the engineer would just laugh.

Stark and Barton continued to stick magnets onto Barnes's arm. Although amusing at first the soldier was frankly about to snap. He decided to think of a way for them to indefinitely stop.

One week later he dragged both Barton and Stark out of their beds at three AM in the morning and tied them to chairs.

"Now, I'm going to leave you here and the only way you two can leave is if you promise you'll stop sticking shit on my arm." Barnes threatened in a low voice.

"Someone's going to question where we are." Stark giggled.

"Do you really think anybody is going to question where you are?" Barnes rolled his eyes, "Well, I'll check in on you guys in about three hours."

Five hours went by and Barnes had completely forgot about the two younger men. Rogers walked past him and sat next to him on the couch.

"Have you seen Tony around? I need his help on something." Rogers asked, the assassin frowned and shook his head.

"No. Try his lab or somethin'"

"Already did. He must have gone out, I can just ask him later. Thanks." Rogers said as he stood up and left the room. Barnes smirked as he continued to watch the television in silence.

AN: Sorry the establishment took so long!

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