A Quiet Night Out (BuckyXSam)

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AN: This is such a long and overdue prompt. But please have an update, and it's gotten to the point where I don't remember who requested it either. I feel bad.

Also more update. I've been, still writing a heck lot of Tony and Clint. If anyone wants ill update that drive link !! TBH I should just start a Tony and Clint short story, that way at least I update something on Wattpad.

Summary: Sam decides to take Bucky out to the carnival for a night out. It wasn't horrible...to say the least.

Third Person's POV

"You are so bad at this" Bucky Barnes scoffed as he watched his friend-no, date shoot. The other man ignored him and aimed the dummy gun once again. His date shot but missed the stacked cans, he cursed to himself.

"Well can you do a better job?" Sam Wilson retorted back and handed the gun towards him. Barnes took the toy gun and took his place. He let out a deep breath and fired the gun, the stack of cans fell. Barnes smirked to himself. Wilson gaped and tried to hide his amazement. "Y-yeah well, lucky shot"

"Just take the blow to your pride" Barnes continued to grin. He took the plush toy from the vendor, thanking him. He shoved the toy into Wilson's arms and continued to walk. The other man followed closely behind. Wilson stared at the plush bear in his hands, playing around with the fur. "What do you want to do now?"

"How am I supposed to know"

"It was your idea to take me here" They were at a carnival by the harbour. It always looked stunning at night. The lights of the attractions could be seen from miles away. There were always mesmerizing fireworks followed by the smell of corndogs. "Want some cotton candy?"

The other man nodded then walked towards the vendor. They bought one each and continued to walk down the harbour. They took in the view, the people and everything in between. Aside from the bouncy music and indistinct talking, the sound of the waves was evident. The water crashed against the bridge, seeping back the repeating the cycle.

"Man, Cap wants me to go with him tomorrow" Wilson started to complain as they continued to walk.

"Where?" Bucky asked, taking a bite out of the sugary treat.

"Just a quick clean-up of a HYDRA base" Sam briefly explained, "I'm just lazy man"

"It's your job" Bucky chuckled softly and shoved his free hand into his pocket.

"I never asked to be a superhero. And honestly it sucks being one. You gotta save the world like what? Once a week?"

"You should be grateful the Avengers didn't run as it used to"

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since they disbanded" Barnes continued to explain, Wilson raised an eyebrow.

"You say that but they still live at the complex" Sam recalled, throwing away his empty cotton candy cone. "And they're still the Avengers, they just sorta replaced themselves with us"

"They probably have better things to do"

"Like what?" Wilson scoffed.

"Well Barton runs SHIELD now, the new SHIELD. Rogers is running for office. These days' Stark industries have been booming, so naturally, Stark has to deal with that. Banner is on a research team in France. And Romanoff has been training us whilst Steve doesn't have free time" Bucky laid it out for him. Eventually throwing away his cone as well.

"You know too much" Sam laughed to himself.

"I'm a spy. What more do you expect?"

"We don't need training"

"Have you seen us? We're about as uncoordinated as monkeys" Barnes said and made a move to hold Sam's hand. Wilson was surprised but he just smiled and gripped the other man's hand. "We're gonna need all the shaping up we can get"

"Well Rogers and Barton are coming back tomorrow for a quick check as far as I've heard"

"Rogers understandable because you have to go on that mission with him. But Barton? Doesn't the kid have a company to run"

"Don't call him a kid. He's higher rank than us now" Sam smirked, Barnes rolled his eyes. "Yeah we're technically part of SHIELD. So he has to drop by and check how we're going."

"Ten bucks says he'll fuck up somewhere and that you'll fuck up on your mission"

"Why are we betting on me?"

"Because you're the biggest idiot I know" Barnes remarked, Sam wanted to hit him. "So yes?"

"Fine. But if I don't fuck up you owe me that ten" Wilson pointed out. "And you better be ready to pay the fuck up Barnes" Bucky laughed and gripped Sam's hand tighter. The two had enjoyed this night. A quiet night out was the best way to ease up and cut loose for a while before they had to Avenge the world again. 

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