Mind Your Damn Business Stark (it's stevexclint but steve's a shit person)

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I couldn't fit this in the title but high school AU!!!

AN: honestly this was for my other book but I liked it too much to put it there. So here you go, mind you I made Steve a little bit of an asshole for convenience.

aaa i havent been this happy with anything i wrote in a hot minute so i hope you like it !!

Third Person's POV

"Apparently a transfer is coming today." A classmate talked aloud around a small group of friends.

He listened from his desk and pretended to look busy by flipping through a textbook. A transfer at this time of year seemed awfully strange. He doubted the school would accept somebody this late, so he wondered if that was just gossip.

He stifled a yawn as another five minutes passed, eventually the teacher arrived in class and he straightened himself out.

Moments later there was a knock and somebody unfamiliar walked in. They wore the school uniform and carried books which only meant that the gossip was right.

"I apologise for being late." They mumbled and hesitantly stepped inside.

"It's your first day, right?" The teacher greeted with a kind smile and the new kid nodded once. "That's alright, there's a seat just there for you."

He nodded and muttered a quiet thank you before taking a seat.

Tony watched as the new kid sat one seat in front but to the left. He tapped his pen on the desk and studied the transfer quietly.

For one thing, he didn't recognise them which was strange since everybody had connections with everybody in this school. Perhaps if he got their last name or their parents' then he would have a better grasp.

"Clint was it?" The teacher asked as the stranger pulled out a pen.

"Yes ma'am." Clint responded.

He narrowed his eyes and tried to think about it a bit more, but nothing came to mind. It was probably best if he ignored it for now.

Soon enough break rolled around and kids swarmed Clint before he had a chance. He stayed put in his seat and listened in once again.

"What's your last name?" One kid asked him and the boy frowned, a little taken back by the question. "C'mon answer me."

"I don't understand why that concerns you." Clint said and the group of students shared a look.

"Just tell us, what do you have to hide?" Another kid jeered, "We've never heard of you before."

"It doesn't matter."

"Then at least tell us what your parents do, do they own a company?"

Tony watched as the new kid visibly grew distressed. He did find it strange though, how obviously simple questions were being dodged. If Clint had just answered then they all would have left him alone, which only meant one thing.

Clint was hiding something.

Then somebody jabbed Clint's shoulder and the boy flinched.

"Hey." Tony decided to cut in and their attention turned to him. "Don't touch him like that, if he doesn't want to tell you then he has that right."

The other kids backed off and grumbled to themselves. He let out a deep sigh, relieved that he had some authority within his classroom.

Clint turned his head around and stared at him momentarily.

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