Adrienette Imagine

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It was a cold, winter day and Marinette had nothing to do. She snuggled up in her warm blanket and watched the snow fly down vigorously with Tikki.

"I would NOT want to fight crime in that weather!" Tikki exclaimed.

"Me neither," Marinette laughed.

School was closed for the day due to the low temperatures and snow. Marinette wouldn't of been so sad about this, other than the fact that she'd miss time with Adrien.

Suddenly, a quick knock was heard on the door and Marinette jumped up, startled. Tikki flew away and hid herself. "Who could be outside in this weather?" Marinette asked out loud, inching over to the door. She firmly clasped the blanket around her as she walked.

She opened the door and a gust of cool air hit her in the face. Adrien stood there, his teeth chattering from the cold. He wore the scarf that Marinette had made him for his birthday (he thought his father gave it to him) and a winter jacket. He smiled apologetically and asked, "May I come in?"

Marinette nodded excitedly and let him inside. Her heart was racing and she couldn't form words. Adrien Agreste was in her house. Her house! He slid his snowy boots off and hung up his coat on the rack.

Finally, Marinette found the courage to speak. "W-What were you doing out there?"

"I went to pose for a winter photoshoot when it was snowed out. That blizzard came by and forced the production to end. Luckily, I found your parents' bakery. Hopefully I can get a ride home after the storm blows over," Adrien explained, using various gestures with his hands.

Marinette felt her cheeks heat up and told herself not to act awkward in front of him. "W-Well, you can take a seat if you want. You're probably freezing," Marinette stopped and mentally face palmed herself. Of course he was. He walked to her house in a blizzard. "Do you want me to make you some hot chocolate? The bakery is stocked full of it in the winter!"

Adrien smiled warmly and met Marinette's gaze, catching her off guard and making her blush. "That'd be nice. Thanks," he told her.

Marinette's heart fluttered and she walked over to the bakery counter. She pulled out a couple of hot cocoa packets, deciding that she'd make some for herself as well.

"Step one," she thought. "Boil some water."

Marinette walked over to the stove and began heating a kettle of water. She glanced at Adrien, and he was curiously looking around the bakery.

"Go talk to him," Marinette thought eagerly to herself. She bit her lip and took a shaky step forward.

"Soooo," Marinette said, rocking back and forth on her feet. "I-It's cold, huh?"

Adrien glanced around awkwardly and then half grinned. "Yeah."

Marinette nodded, and walked back to the stove. She allowed her head to hang down as she mentally scolded herself. "Idiot," she thought.

Then, she nearly jumped as she felt the presence of someone behind her. She turned her head and saw Adrien. Her heart lurched in her chest, and she felt like was going to faint.

Adrien looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"

Marinette nodded slightly and laughed. "Yeah, I don't exactly have cat-like reflexes so I get startled easily." That only applied to her if that person was Adrien. What kind of superhero would she be if she was startled so easily?

Adrien's smile faltered a bit at the pun, and then he laughed. "Good one."

Marinette over exaggerated a bow when Adrien pointed at the bubbling water. "Looks like it's ready," he grinned.

Marinette nodded and pulled out two mugs while Adrien opened the hot cocoa packets. Marinette slid him the cups, he poured in the powder and slid them back to her. She carefully poured the boiling water from the kettle into each cup, reaching a certain fill point.

Adrien pulled out a spoon to mix it, licking his lips, when Marinette held up her hand, stopping him. "I have something better to mix it with..." she smiled, and pulled out 2 candy canes.

She handed one to Adrien and they both mixed their hot cocoa with the candy canes. The result was a delicious tasting chocolate peppermint drink.

They both took a seat on the couch, holding their cups of hot cocoa securely in their hands. "Thanks Marinette," he told her. Marinette smiled happily in response. Adrien sipped the warm drink and smiled in delight. Marinette giggled when he brought the cup down from his mouth. He looked at her questioningly.

She traced around her mouth and chuckled. Adrien blinked a few times before wiping his mouth and noticing a smear of chocolate on his sweater sleeve. He laughed.

"Isn't your father going to be mad that you got your sweater dirty?" Marinette asked, slowly finding the situation less humorous than Adrien.

Adrien shrugged. "Probably. But it's okay, he doesn't pay attention to me anyway."

Marinette frowned slightly and set her cup of cocoa down. She felt bad for Adrien not having a strong relationship with his father and not even having a mom.

"Look, Adrien," Marinette started, taking a deep breath. "I-I really like you. So, if there's anything you ever need, just tell me."

She looked up at him for a response, and he looked at her endearingly. "Marinette, I like you too," he then frowned, thinking of Ladybug. He couldn't betray his lady. "But-"

"I-I know I sound like another one of your crazy fangirls, but my feelings are real for you. And it's taken me so long to say it," Marinette told him shakily.

Adrien grabbed her hands. "I know. You're an amazing girl, Marinette. I'd do anything to protect you."

Marinette's heart beat quickened at his touch. She couldn't believe it. She had actually told him how she felt!

Adrien decided not to tell Marinette he had feelings for someone else, specifically Ladybug. He knew it'd break her heart, and he didn't want to upset her after all the kindness she'd shown him.

They stared at each other for the longest time. Marinette could feel her face move closer to his. Soon they were an inch apart, and Marinette could feel his breath on hers. Their lips were so close, and Marinette anticipated the moment by pinching her eyes shut.

But the moment was ruined when a loud knock sounded on the door, startling the two of them. Adrien blushed profusely while Marinette did so as well. "I-I'll go get the door," she offered, walking over to answer it.

When she opened the door, it was Adrien's driver, the man who looked like a gorilla. Marinette noticed that the blizzard had died down some outside. "Oh, I'd better go now," Adrien said quickly, putting on his coat and boots.

"R-Right," Marinette stuttered nervously.

Before exiting the bakery, Adrien turned around and smiled at Marinette, sending shivers down her spine. "Thanks for the hot chocolate."

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