Post-Reveal Ladynoir/Ladrien

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Ladybug launched herself across buildings with her trusty yoyo, gazing at the view surrounding her. An orange sky signaling the end of yet another day in beautiful Paris.

She landed on her balcony and took in the view one last time before she called it a day.

Ladybug heard a quiet thump behind her and turned around, surprised to find her partner standing there. They had finished yet another akuma battle and their transformations were almost up. But they didn't have to flee as quickly as possible, considering they already knew each other's secret identities.

"What are you doing here, minou?" Ladybug asked quietly.

"I just wanted to wish you a goodnight," Chat shrugged with a smirk. His ring beeped but neither of the two superheroes tore their gaze away from each other.

"That's sweet," Ladybug smiled, inching closer to Chat. She placed a hand on his chest. "But I have to get to bed early tonight, so don't hold me up too long now," she mumbled quietly.

"I purromise it won't take long," Chat whispered. His hands securely wrapped around Ladybug's waist and he pulled her into a tender kiss.

Ladybug fell deep into the kiss. It sent tendrils racing down her spine. It was so nice. Her hands slid up Chat's neck and she moved her lips in sync with his.

"I have that design to submit tomorrow to the judges," Ladybug mumbled, pulling away from the kiss. She then closed her eyes and gently rested her forehead against Chat's.

"You'll do fine. I know you will," Chat whispered back. His ring beeped again.

"And you have a photoshoot," Ladybug said, opening her eyes. "Go on, kitty."

Chat sighed in despair as Ladybug let go of him and started walking away. "Okay. See you tomorrow Princess."

Ladybug smiled as her earrings beeped, releasing her transformation. Marinette waved to Chat.

He smiled, his gaze traveling over his amazing girlfriend. Wow, was he lucky.

Chat did a boy scout salute to Marinette before launching himself away with his staff.


"Adrikiiiiins!" Chloe howled, running over to Adrien.

He widened his eyes in shock as the approaching blonde quickly reached him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Uh, hi Chloe," Adrien smiled awkwardly. "What's up?"

"I'm sad," Chloe sighed, doing her best impression of puppy dog eyes. "Sabrina completely backstabbed me when she said she was too sick to do our project. So I need your help."

Adrien blinked, gently tugging Chloe's hands off of him. He really didn't feel like dealing with Chloe. After all, he'd be doing all the work anyway. He decided to let her down easy. "Oh, well, I'd love to but I can't."

"Pleaseeeee Adrikins?" Chloe whimpered.

Adrien sighed. He didn't want to be mean so he decided to go along with it. "Alright-"

Suddenly, Ladybug swooped in out of nowhere, landing right beside Adrien. His eyes lit up and a grateful smile formed on his face.

"Hey guys," Ladybug greeted.

Chloe squealed in excitement and immediately raced over to the superhero, grabbing ahold of her arm. "OMG! Ladybug! You totally came to see me, right? TAKE A SELFIE WITH ME!"

"Honored," Ladybug said through a forced smile, prying Chloe's grip off her arm. "Why don't you go to the Pont des Arts and I'll meet you there? It's a perfect spot for pictures."

Chloe squealed. "Okay! Wow! Ladybug wants to have a personal photoshoot with me! I mean, who wouldn't, but still!" She ran to her limo and yelled at the driver to take her to the famous bridge.

The limo sped away quickly and Ladybug chuckled. She glanced at Adrien. "Well, I guess I better honor my word."

"Thanks, Marinette," Adrien laughed. "But I could've handled it myself."

"Nah, you needed my help," Ladybug winked.

"I'll see you soon," Adrien waved. "Very soon."

Ladybug laughed, gripping her yoyo. "Yeah, I better bug out before-"

A loud gasp was heard from behind Ladybug. She turned around and Alya was standing there, her mouth agape.

"Gotta go, sorry," Ladybug laughed apologetically, throwing her yoyo in the air and soaring away.

Alya watched in awe as Ladybug left, her phone out and ready. She curiously glanced and Adrien and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you knew Ladybug," Alya observed quizzically.

Adrien chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that she was seen near you?" Alya replied, crossing her arms.

"Oh, yeah, she's saved me before. Nothing major," Adrien shrugged casually, although his uneasiness was still evident on his face.

Alya chuckled. "Gotcha. We've all been saved by Ladybug at least once. She's awesome."

"Yeah," Adrien smiled, staring up into the sky. "She is."

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