Thoughts on Adrien Agreste? PART 2

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Adrien pushed past the front doors of the school, his messenger bag hanging at his side. It was another ordinary day for him. Go to school, then fencing, and then photoshoots. The same routine.

"Adrien!" Alya yelled frantically as he entered the building. She had been waiting for him to walk through those front doors and it wasn't easy dismissing Marinette. She had that told her friend that she needed to talk to the principal so she could get away long enough to show Adrien the video.

Unfortunately, when they thought it had been accidentally sent to him, the lack of response from Adrien proved that somehow he hadn't gotten the message. Either it was overlooked or it was deleted. But now Alya wanted to make sure he saw it. After all, she kinda wanted him to see it in the first place.

The blonde turned his head to the brunette that was running right for him, blinking surprisingly. "What is it?" he asked, suddenly worried as he glanced around. He didn't see Marinette around and she was always by Alya's side. "Is something wrong?"

"No!" Alya panted, screeching to a halt. Her hand reached into her bag and she pulled out her phone. "I have something to show you."

"Like what?" Adrien asked, his eyebrow raised.

"A video," Alya grinned. She nodded towards a nearby bench. "Follow me."

Adrien, slightly confused, started following Alya towards the bench and they both sat down. She seemed to be very ecstatic and Adrien didn't know why.

Alya started scrolling on her phone until she stopped and turned her phone horizontally. Her eyes then glanced to Adrien and they were suddenly filled with seriousness.

"Now, I don't know how she's gonna react, but you need to save your comments until the very end. Okay?" Alya said slowly.

Adrien was so confused. What was going on? And why was Alya being so vague? He shook his head in confusion, the blonde strands of hair bouncing around. "Who is 'she'? And what are you taking about?"

"Just be quiet and listen," Alya said carefully, looking around before she pressed the play button.

Adrien sighed indignantly. He wanted answers, but he guessed he'd get some soon. His eyes focused on the screen, and the first thing that he registered from the video was a pitch black screen. He raised an eyebrow, tempted to ask a question, but Alya sensed this and shot him a glare. He continued watching, leaning in closer so he could hear.

"First of all, he's very handsome," the voice spoke in the video.

Adrien raised his eyebrows immediately, turning to look at Alya. That had sounded like Marinette! She kept watching the video, though, her eyes glued to the pitch black screen. Who was she talking about? Was there some other guy? He decided to keep watching.

"And a gentleman," she continued shyly. "I remember after school one day, I fell down the steps and he was there to catch me at the end of them."

Adrien gulped, feeling his face flush. He did that! She had said those things about him? He almost couldn't believe it! He turned his head towards Alya. "I-is she talking about me?"

The brunette nodded slowly, meeting his gaze. "Keep listening."

"Uh huh," Alya's voice rang from the video. "Go on."

"And, he's really funny and super supportive," Marinette said, the elation growing in her voice. "He stood up for me when Chloe was insulting my Uncle's soup."

He was at a loss for words. Marinette was being so kind and saying all of these wonderful things! It made him feel so appreciated. His heart fluttered considerably as he continued listening.

The pair kept watching the blank screen, Adrien listening in awe. When the video got to the part with the umbrella, Adrien had the sudden urge to give Marinette a big hug. He never knew how much he meant to her. His palms were growing sweaty as a strange feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. Was he... falling in love?

"And those are my thoughts on Adrien Agreste," Marinette said firmly at the end of the video.

Alya took her phone down and studied Adrien's expression. He stared ahead, letting it all sink in. He didn't know how to explain his emotions right now. He wanted to bawl his eyes out. He wanted to find Marinette and give her the biggest hug ever.

His mind hadn't been bombarded by so many emotions since his mother disappeared.

Marinette's words touched his heart so much. He didn't think she understood how much they meant to him.

She spoke about him with so much passion. He had never heard Marinette speak in such a way before. It warmed his heart that she thought so highly of him. Then again, he didn't want all the credit. He believed he was anything but perfect.

Still, he was touched by her words. And he wanted to find her so he could give her the biggest hug.

"Adrien?" Alya called out quietly. "How are you holding up?"

Adrien blinked, realizing he was zoned out thinking about everything. A stray tear rolled down his cheek as he glanced at Alya. "I'm fine. I'm just... shocked. And so thankful."

The brunette placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling comfortingly. "Well, we know that your dad isn't always there for you, so we wanted to remind you how appreciated you are."

"Alya?" a voice suddenly called out from across the room. It was Marinette.

"Girl!" Alya said quickly, retracting her hand and standing up.

"How was the meeting with the principal?" she approached slowly, glancing between her and Adrien. She was a little surprised at how he was looking at her. Like she was a goddess. He had never looked at her like that before.

"It was good," Alya nodded, grinning widely. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Adrien slowly rise to his feet.

He walked forward, his eyes glossy with tears as he stared at Marinette. "C-can I give you a hug?"

Marinette widened her eyes in confusion. He looked like he was about to cry. Still, she would happily accept a hug from Adrien any day! She nodded.

Adrien bit his lip before opening his arms and engulfing Marinette in a hug. He squeezed, his emotions pouring out as he did so. Tears began streaming down his face.

Marinette was shocked at the intensity of the hug and she glanced at Alya. Her friend just held up her phone in response and Marinette caught on. She was about to respond when a heartfelt sob ripped from Adrien's throat. That ultimately made her want to cry.

"Thank you," he cried into her shoulder.

"Y-you're welcome," Marinette replied, her voice shaky with emotion. The tears began to collect in her eyes. When Adrien cried, she cried.

So they cried together, both engulfed in the emotional hug. Alya sniffed, trying not to cry as well. Students nearby heard the commotion and turned their heads.

The room quickly silenced except for the beholden sobs of Adrien and Marinette. The two were more in love than ever before.

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