Dinner of Disaster

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*part 2 of "christmas tree decorating"

Adrien gulped, staring at the door. He shouldn't be so nervous to confront his father. He was scared, afraid of rejection.

He loved Marinette more than anything and he didn't want his father to forbid their relationship. Adrien hadn't noticed any change in Gabriel's demeanor at home; then again, the boy barely saw his father so he couldn't really say.

Marinette let go of his hand and walked forward to get the door. She gave him one last reassuring smile and reached for the door knob.

Adrien stepped forward suddenly. Time to be a man. "No, I'll do it." As afraid as he was, he had to prove to Marinette that he wasn't afraid.

No one should be afraid of their own father. Or rather, how their father reacted to them.

Adrien breathed out and was about to grab the doorknob when more loud knocks frazzled him. He felt his heart beating out of his chest.

Marinette gently pushed him to the side and opened the door.

An emotionless face met hers. But it was not that of Gabriel Agreste, instead it was his assistant.

"Hello, Ms. Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie formally introduced. "I am Gabriel Agreste's assistant and Adrien's primary caretaker. May I come in?"

"Oh, of course!" Marinette smiled. "Everyone is welcome."

Nathalie walked in, looking around inquisitively.

Marinette felt uncomfortable, like her home wasn't fancy or luxurious enough for the formal looking woman.

Sabine smiled and waved from the kitchen. "Hi there!"

"Hello," Nathalie said in a monotone voice. "You must be Sabine. The house smells delicious."

"Thank you dear! The food will be ready shortly."


Adrien scratched the back of his neck. He had to ask the one question that had been bugging him.

"Uh, Nathalie," Adrien spoke up. "Where is my father?"

"He had other duties to attend to, but wanted me to tell you he wish he could be here."

Adrien looked down, disappointed. "Of course. Why didn't I think any differently?"

"Adrien," Marinette said quietly, grabbing his arm.

Nathalie had her arms folded, staring silently at the ground.

"Nathalie, please," Marinette whispered desperately. "Adrien was looking forward to his father showing up."

"I truly apologize, but Mr. Agreste is very bu-"

Three knocks sounded on the door, surprising Marinette.

Nathalie blinked, fixing her glasses. Her eyes went wide.

"Is that...?"

The door swung open and Gabriel Agreste stood there in the doorway.

"Excuse my entrance," he said sternly.

Adrien quickly glanced up, surprised. "Father?"

"My son," Gabriel smiled, joining his son with arms open wide.

"I thought you were busy?" Adrien asked, slightly confused. He awkwardly hugged his father.

"I decided that spending time with you was more important," Gabriel beamed, feeling like the world's best dad. He patted Adrien's held before letting him out of the weak embrace.

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