Valentine's Day

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"I have to get him something for Valentine's Day, Tikki! But in secret!" Marinette exclaimed.

"I know, Marinette," Tikki nodded understandably. "But maybe you should actually tell him that you like him this time?"

Marinette sighed sadly. "But what if he rejects me?"

"He won't," Tikki replied. "I'm sure of it!"

"Okay," Marinette nodded wearily with a smile. "But I'm gonna need all the encouraging words I can get. So let's tell Alya our plan."


"Really? Oh, girl I'm so proud of you!" Alya exclaimed.

Marinette laughed. "Yeah. I figured since last time didn't exactly go well, I'm gonna try to tell him face-to-face."

"Yay!" Alya cheered.

"But I'm gonna need every ounce of courage I can muster!" Marinette exclaimed.

"No problem," Alya nodded. She took a deep breath and began spitting out various cheers. "You can do it! You got this! You're strong! I believe in you! You-"

"I get it," Marinette laughed, poking her friend playfully. "Actually, I feel better already."

"Okay, let me know anytime you need more motivation."

Suddenly, someone bumped into Marinette.

"Sorry," the person said. Marinette turned around and was face to face with Adrien. He smiled at her apologetically, his soft green eyes overwhelming.

"It's cool," Marinette nodded as Adrien winked at her and walked away.

"I need motivation, I need motivation, I NEED MOTIVATION!" Marinette exclaimed frantically.


"Just go up to him and tell him how you feel," Alya nodded to Marinette. Adrien was standing by the entrance of the school by himself, scrolling on his phone.

"Okay," Marinette breathed. She left her hiding spot and marched over to Adrien.

"Uh, Adrien?" she asked softly. He looked up from his phone and met Marinette's eyes.

"Oh, hey Marinette. What's up?" he asked, a friendly smile forming on his face.

"I just wanted to say..." Marinette mumbled. She glanced at Alya who gave her a reassuring thumbs up. "Will you-"

"ADRIKINS!!" a shrill voice yelled. Marinette frowned as Chloe approached the two. She was not putting up with her today.

"Hey, Chloe, look!" Marinette gasped over dramatically. She pointed at a random pedestrian. "That guy is posting a mean status about you!"

Chloe gasped and turned around. "What?! Oh no they don't!" She stomped away furiously.

Sorry random guy, Marinette thought.

"As I was saying," she continued, taking a deep breath. "Adrien, will you be my Valentine?" she asked quickly.

Adrien gasped. Then, he placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder and frowned. "I would say yes, but I can't."

Marinette lowered her head in sadness. Adrien then gently kissed her on the cheek, sending chills through her body.

"I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm in love with Ladybug," he whispered.

Marinette's head lifted up abruptly, her body filling with a mix of joy and shock. "You... like Ladybug?"

"Crazy, right?" Adrien laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"Uhh... no! Not at all!" Marinette exclaimed. "I gotta go. Bye!"


Later that night, Adrien received a surprise visit from Ladybug. She smiled confidently and leaned up against his bedroom window as his shocked eyes met hers.

"Ladybug? W-What are you doing here?" Adrien asked in awe.

"A special friend called me here," Ladybug winked.

Adrien thought about Marinette and smiled. She must've set this up.

"Adrien," Ladybug called out. She cautiously moved in closer to him. "Would you like to kiss me?"

"More than anything in the world," Adrien replied. He got up from his bed and stared deeply into Ladybug's eyes. Then something clicked. A fog was cleared, and he gasped from the realization.

"Marinette?" he exclaimed. "Is that you?!"

Ladybug's eyes widened in shock and she quickly backed away from Adrien. "N-No?" she defended eagerly, feeling embarrassed.

"It is you!" Adrien exclaimed. He slapped his forehead. "I'm such an idiot. How could I've not realize it sooner?"

Adrien then looked up, but Ladybug was gone. The window was open from where she had left. He raced over to it and yelled out at the top of his lungs.

"I'm sorry!! Come back!"

But the night was silent in response. Adrien sighed sadly and placed a hand over his heart.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Marinette..."

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