A Valentine's Surprise

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Adrien smiled with content, adding some finishing touches to Ladybug's Valentine's Day gift.

He sat on the park bench, a peaceful and calming atmosphere for him to decorate the red box that enclosed the sterling silver bracelet to Ladybug. On it was a shiny ladybug charm. Engraved on the back in cursive letters read, "Forever my Lady and inspurration. Thanks for being the best partner a guy could ever ask for." ~Chat"

He had an expert metalsmith create the masterpiece and instructed him to use real rubies for the red of the ladybug charm. Only the best for his Bugaboo.

Adrien stood up after adjusting the glittery black bow that was wrapped around the box and dusted himself off.

It was almost time for patrol, so Adrien got moving. He picked up the rose he had intended to give Ladybug along with the bracelet and began walking away to transform into Chat Noir.

He caught sight of Marinette's house out of the corner of his eye and stopped. Feeling guilty, he glanced down at the rose, twirling it in his hands.


Marinette was snoozing in her pjs, an empty container of icecream laying nearby. Despite being 12 PM, she was still in bed.

"Marinette," Tikki whispered. "It's time to get up!"

"Just 5 more minutes, Adrien. Please," Marinette mumbled in a dream, her eyes pinched shut. "I know you don't love me but why can't we still enjoy this pizza together under the stars?"

Tikki sighed, flying over to Marinette's ear. "It's me, Tikki! Wake up!"

Marinette's eyes opened slowly. She moaned. "What is it?"

"It's time to get up," Tikki said. "You've been unproductive all morning."

"Because I hate today," Marinette whined, turning on her side.

"But it's almost time for afternoon patrol!"

Marinette lazily sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I know. You're right."

"I'm sorry, Marinette. I know Valentine's Day is not your favorite holiday. Especially since you got rejected by Adrien."

"I just feel like my love life is hopeless," Marinette sighed. "It hurts being rejected, Tikki. But he said he liked someone else. So I guess I have to live with that cruel fact."

Tikki flew up and hugged Marinette's cheek comfortingly. "You're strong. You can brave this storm! After all, Master Fu chose YOU to be Ladybug!"

"Thanks Tikki," Marinette smiled.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang downstairs. Marinette hopped down from her bed to go answer whoever was at the door.

Marinette skipped down the steps, passing her mother who was about to answer the door. "I got it," the bluenette answered. She twisted the doorknob, gently swinging the door open.

But no one was there.

Marinette looked side to side, trying to identify anyone who could've rang the doorbell. But the sidewalks were empty.

Then, as she was about to shut the door, Marinette's eyes glanced downwards and saw something laying in front of the door on the sidewalk. She gasped, kneeling down to pick it up.

It was a single red rose.

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