Ladynoir Imagine

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Ladybug sighed as she watched the traffic of Paris go on from above. Lights lit up the serene night and her gaze traveled to the Eiffel Tower which was illuminating the city. Today had been rough for Marinette and she just needed a breather. Her parents were incredibly upset with her because she arrived home after curfew last night, but she couldn't help it. Fighting crime as Ladybug was an around the clock thing. All day she'd been stressed and a few hours ago, she cracked.

Tikki reassured her that things would sort itself out, but Marinette was weary. How long could she balance her normal life and superhero life before it all crumbled to pieces? Maybe she shouldn't have been chosen as Ladybug after all...

Ladybug was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a noise to her left. She glanced around the rooftop before a pair of black cat ears peeked out from behind the building. Chat's head lifted up, his green eyes full of interest.

He slinked over to Ladybug and took a seat next to her, letting his legs dangle off the building.

"What do you want kitty cat," Ladybug sighed dolefully, resting her head on her hands.

"Me-wow, I don't think I've ever seen you this de-purr-essed. What's the purr-oblem?" Chat asked curiously, leaning back.

His puns never failed to make Ladybug react, even if she was feeling sad. Her lip slowly tugged upwards into a half-grin and Chat cheered. "Woo! I got you to smile. Ten points for me," he smirked.

"Oh, shut up," Ladybug said playfully, lifting her head up. "There's no point in telling, you wouldn't understand anyway."

"Oh, yes I would. Under this mask I'm an average teenager too."

Ladybug laughed. "Oh gosh, you're starting to sound like my mom with your motivational talk."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Chat winked. The mood then got surprisingly serious. Chat looked at Ladybug deeply, his eyes full of genuine concern. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"Oh, you know. Normal problems that superheroes face," Ladybug said softly. "But I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me. I just wanted to get some fresh air."

"No need to think that way. I know you'll get through whatever is bothering you. You're my lady after all," Chat grinned.

"One, I'm not your lady," she laughed, "and two, thanks."

Chat smiled and was about to say something else when Ladybug hugged him tightly. He nearly lost his breath right there. He wasn't expecting her to hug him at all. It was like a dream come true.

Chat embraced it and the two remained like that for a few minutes. Ladybug was so thankful she had Chat to vent to. Although she claimed she didn't want his sympathy, she couldn't deny the fact that it felt nice for someone to hear her out.

Ladybug's eyes widened as a soft sound came from Chat. He was purring. Ladybug quickly ended the hug, everything being too weird. She had never heard Chat purr before.

"Uh... thanks again," she smiled awkwardly.

Chat stood up and winked, his green eyes glimmering in victory from the hug. "Anytime." He jumped off the roof and raced down the street until he disappeared from view.

Ladybug smiled, feeling thankful to have Chat around even when he could be a bit crazy sometimes.

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