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Marinette hummed happily as she finished putting up a poster on the gym wall that advertised her new club; Baking 101.

A lot of students asked her for lessons on how to bake, especially since she had brought her classmates baked goods on multiple occasions.

Marinette was more than happy to ask the school if she could create a new club. After all, she got enough signatures from people who were interested, so there she was. Taping up cleverly designed posters and hoping more students would join the club. The more, the merrier.

The bell signaling the changing of classes had just rung, so she hoped that all of the students leaving tbe gymnasium would take an interest in her poster.

Underneath the poster was a tiny sign up sheet with 15 empty lines for names. She would hang up this poster everywhere around the school.

Even in the most unsuspecting places; the gym where jocks like Kim thrive in all of their glory. But she had a feeling those basketball and football stars could have an interest in making delicious baked goods!

Marinette waited curiously by the poster for any interested students, however she merely received a few stares as people walked by.

One girl paused momentarily, as if she was pondering the thought of joining, until another girl whisked her away hastily.

Marinette sighed once the gym finally cleared out. She grabbed her bag that was leaning up against the wall and began walking out.

"Pst! Marinette!" a deep voice whispered from behind her.

She perked up, wondering if this male was interested in signing up but was too afraid to tell his jock friends, hence his hushed tone.

"Yes?" she smiled widely, turning around and locating the boy.

She froze.

The blonde hair and green eyes obviously gave him away; it was Adrien Agreste.

His head was peeking out around the corner of the boys locker room.

"A-Adrien!" she said alarmingly. He had an embarrassed blush on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I need some help," he admitted with a sheepish smile and, without warning, stepped out from behind the corner and the sight ultimately blinded Marinette. Like the sun had shone right in her eyes.

If she was not mistaken, she swore that Adrien Agreste was shirtless.

Her mind drew a blank as she helplessly stared at his glorious abs. He had definitely performed crunches on the daily.

She had never guessed that Adrien was so well toned. But then it made sense; the boy was a model for the biggest fashion empire in Paris.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked slowly.

"Y-Yes!" she screeched abruptly, snapping out of her trance and gluing her gaze to Adrien's eyes.

"Sorry for surprising you like this, but someone took my shirt," Adrien said, walking towards her.

Bless them.

"O-oh," she replied simply, backing up with every step he took. Not that she didnt like Adrien near her, but she thought she might pass out with him so close to her and... shirtless.

Adrien casually put his hands in his jean pockets and shrugged. "Someone thought it would be funny to take my shirt and everyone left before I could ask to borrow one, so that's how I got into this predictament."

Marinette had the urge to kiss him right there. She admired how cool and collected he acted in every situation. But she could barely make out a coherent sentence. Her eyes once again betrayed her and floated down to his chest.

"So I was wondering if you could ask Nino for a shirt I could borrow? I mean, if that's okay with you?"

Marinette's eyes snapped back up to his face. She smiled crookedly, her face as red as a tomato. "S-sure," she stuttered without fail.

Adrien winked at her before retreating back into the locker room.

As she turned around to exit the room, her legs buckled a little because she had just realized that Adrien winked at her.

Marinette scouted the halls endlessly until she finally found Nino talking to Ivan outside of Ms. Bustier's classroom.

"Marinette!" Nino exclaimed, turning to face her. "Have you seen my man Adrien?"

"Actually, yes," Marinette panted, completely out of breath. "He needs a shirt to borrow. Someone stole his."

Nino blinked, clearly alarmed. "Oh, um, okay? I have one in my locker I think..."

Marinette followed Nino to his locker and the boy successfully pulled out a folded up, red t-shirt from his locker.

"Perfect," Marinette smiled, unfolding the shirt. She gasped at the image printed on the front. It was Ladybug!

"You... have a Ladybug t-shirt?" Marinette asked, trying not to sound too surprised.

Nino smirked, closing his locker shut. "It's Adrien's. He is a huge Ladybug fanboy."

Marinette felt her face blush. She looked at the shirt again, rubbing the fabric with her thumb, knowing that it had touched Adrien's skin. He... was a Ladybug fanboy?!

Her mind was blown for the second time that day.

She quickly thanked Nino before he caught on and headed back to the gymnasium.

Despite her feeling completely overjoyed and wanting to pass out with excitement, she made it back to the gym and handed Adrien the shirt.

"I didn't know you were a Ladybug fan?" she smirked, her cheeks still a little red.

"Of course," Adrien smiled warmly, slipping on the shirt and hiding his beautiful body. "She's amazing."

Marinette felt that her cheeks were on fire in that instant. She smiled like a fool, tearing her eyes away from Adrien.

He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him again. "Thanks, Mari. You saved the day."

Marinette nodded, screaming in her head with joy. Adrien was a fan of Ladybug! And a big fan, at that. She saw the way his eyes lit up the moment he talked about Ladybug.

He really loved her.

And although it wasn't exactly Marinette per say, it was still some part of her that he loved. So she would take that win any day.

"Hey, Adrien?" Marinette called out as he walked away.

He turned around and smiled, his emerald eyes staring directly at her, dizzying her once more. "Yeah?"

A selfish part of her wanted to tell him that she was Ladybug, right then and there. But she remembered what Master Fu and Tikki said, and the wiser part of her knew she couldn't.

Instead, she pointed to the baking club poster on the wall, her tiny index finger shaking like a leaf. "U-uh... wanna join?"

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