A Splash of Awkwardness

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Just come on over, it'll be fun!

Those were the words Marinette's best friend, Alya Cesaire, had said to her just 2 hours before she had made a horrible mistake.

Let's just say, Marinette was currently sitting ALONE in a pool with a topless and tanned Adrien Agreste.

If it weren't for her arm securely wrapped around the pool ladder, she probably would've drowned.

Her mind couldn't even compute what was going on. She was floating awkwardly across the pool from Adrien, her hair wet and cascading down her shoulders. That was not how she planned to look one on one with Adrien.

But here she was, still unable to get a word out.

"So," Adrien laughed awkwardly, scanning his surroundings. "They abandoned us, didn't they?"

"L-looks like they did," Marinette squeaked, her eyes traveling over Adrien's pecs. The rest of his glorious abs were obscured under the water.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was planned," Adrien smirked.

Marinette's brain went into overdrive. Her heart began racing frantically. He knew about her crush? Was he about to make fun of her for it?! So many horrible thoughts raced through her head.

"They wanted us alone so we could get to know each other better," Adrien said at last, cuing a sigh of relief from Marinette.

"Right," she chuckled, her face a bright red.

"So Marinette," Adrien began, clearing his throat. He stood up straight, allowing Marinette to see a little more of his abs. But she was decent enough to tear her eyes away from his body and direct them to his eyes. They glowed bright green.

"What's your favorite color?" Adrien asked.

Marinette chuckled a little under her breath. "T-that's your question?"

"What?" Adrien asked, faking offensiveness. A slight grin pulled at his lips.

"Well, it's just that it's such a cliche question," Marinette declared. "But, if you must know, it's pink." She gently pulled at the pink fringe of her bathing suit top. "If you couldn't already tell."

Adrien chuckled, eyes scanning the bottom of the pool. He raised his hands. "Fine, I'll give you another one. How do you feel about splashing?"

"I think it's annoying and completely uncalled for," Marinette huffed playfully, crossing her arms.

Adrien took her statement seriously and backed down, lowering his hand. "Oh, okay."

It was silent. And awkward. Marinette only knew to do one thing to break the silence, and it was a bold move. She pretended she was Ladybug for a brief second.

She smiled eye to eye, then quickly splashed Adrien with water.

When he recovered his wits, he laughed. "I thought you didn't like splashing?"

"And I thought you knew I was joking!" Marinette giggled.

"That's it, you're on!" Adrien yelled, splashing Marinette with more water ammunition.

"Oh no, you're going down!" Marinette exclaimed, splashing back. And for once, things felt normal between her and Adrien. She wasn't so nervous. She could treat him like a friend and not someone to be avoided. It felt liberating.

The two teens continued splashing at each other, laughing and acting like 10 year olds. For a second, Marinette was blinded by the water. She waded forward in the pool and bumped into something. Someone.

And with a brush of her arm, she recognized Adrien's rock hard abs.

That's the moment she retracted back into her shell. The nervousness came right back.

She blubbered like a fool, swimming away from Adrien. Her face turned a bright shade of red and she decided it was time to get out of the pool.

"S-sorry!" she exclaimed, climbing on the ladder. "I w-wasn't-" Her wet foot slipped on the step and next thing she knew, she was falling back into the pool.

But strong arms caught her instead.

Of course they were Adrien's.

He looked down at her with his emerald green eyes and she melted like putty. This had to be a dream, she thought.

And then it became a nightmare.

"What's going on here?!" Alya screeched.

Marinette and Adrien both jumped in surprise, Marinette flopping out of his arms and into the water again. She held her breath and willfully sank to the bottom. She didn't wanna come back up to the surface, but she knew she had to eventually.

Lifting her head above the surface, she gasped for air, coughing and spitting up water.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Adrien quickly asked, patting her back.

"Yeah, are you alright?" Alya chimed in protectively.


"Yes," Marinette coughed, on the brink of death.

It was silent, presumably the others thinking with relief that Marinette hadn't died just then, until Alya began making conversation again.

"So... what were you two doing?" Alya asked, raising an eyebrow.

"S-she was trying to get out of the pool and fell in my arms," Adrien stuttered, surprisingly.

"Uh huh," Alya smirked. "Well, Nino and I are about to grab a bite to eat so get out and dry yourselves off. I will definitely be telling him about this encounter." She turned around and laughed quietly as she walked away.

"Sorry," Adrien laughed to Marinette once Alya left.

"Don't be," Marinette chuckled. "I'm just clumsy."

"Well, I'd be careful getting up that latter next time," Adrien smirked.

Marinette remembered falling into his arms, feeling his abs. Looking up at him.

"O-oh, I will."

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