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Adrien nervously bit his fingernails. Nino raised an eyebrow and stared at his friend.

"Dude. You've been putting this off for forever. Just go up to her!" Nino exclaimed.

"No way!" Adrien replied, squeezing himself with his arms. His eyes widened in desperation. "What if I make myself look like an idiot?"

Nino blinked a few times before inspecting his friend up and down. "Too late."

Adrien sighed, burying his head with the Ladybug poster he wanted her to sign.

"I don't get it, man," Nino mumbled, glancing up at the spotted super heroine who was a few feet away. She was currently being interviewed by a news channel. "I've never seen you this bad."

"I just can't function right when I'm talking to Ladybug," Adrien sighed dreamily. He then scrunched up his nose in disgust. "I can't even ask her for an autograph either. That's how lame I am."

Nino stood up, shrugging. "I'll get it for you if you want, dude. What are friends for?"

Adrien stood up quickly, pressing the picture of Ladybug to his chest. "No! ... I mean, no thanks. I'll do it."

Adrien started walking forward, his legs feeling like jello. His lady was only a few inches away and he swore he could smell her sweet scent... cherry blossoms. Or was it strawberry? Oh well, either way, she smelled beautiful. But she looked even more beautiful.


Adrien smiled. Her soft, shiny black hair tied in those cute pigtails never failed to make Adrien's stomach flutter. Her perfect smile entranced him in such a way that it felt like they were the only two in the world. He'd never felt this way about any other girl. Not even Chloe.

Definitely not Chloe.

But Ladybug, yes. Her confidence and bravery stood out against everything. He admired it.

Adrien was absolutely in love with Ladybug.

A jolt was sent down his spine as Ladybug suddenly made eye contact with him. She smiled that beautiful smile and a faint blush spread on her cheeks.

"H-Hi," Ladybug stuttered.

Adrien was too distracted to notice Ladybug's odd behavior. That she was equally as nervous as he was. Of course, he was too busy focusing on her eyes. Reading them.

"Hey," Adrien managed to blurt out. He laughed nervously, feeling his face heat up. His eyes traveled down to the Ladybug poster in his hand and he lifted it up. "Could I, um, get your autograph?"

"Sure!" Ladybug exclaimed excitedly. Her cheeks were beet red as she grabbed the poster from Adrien's hands and frantically scribbled her signature on it. She then handed it back to him and smiled.

"Thanks so much," Adrien laughed, feeling elated. His day was complete. Finally, he had built up enough courage to ask Ladybug for her autograph. And it was so worth it.

"No problem," Ladybug replied, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her blush was still very visible. "I-I have to go," she stuttered. "Bye."

Ladybug dodged the screaming fans that had just witnessed the event take place and fled the area. Adrien had barely noticed.

He turned on his heel and held the poster close to his chest, returning to his friend. Nino smirked, crossing his arms. "Now how fast do you think that would've taken if you hadn't been such a wuss?"

Adrien was done with Nino's attitude. Nino had acted like a fool in front of a girl once before so he had no room to talk. Adrien cleared his throat and arched an eyebrow, smirking. He leaned in close to his friend and whispered:

"I don't know, why don't you ask Marinette?"

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