When new help arrives...

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"You will never defeat me!! Muahaha!" the akumatized villain screeched, standing atop a giant building. "I am the Incinerator!"

Marinette gasped at the news broadcast and quickly fled into her room. Tikki flew out, alarmed.

"We need to stop him!" Marinette exclaimed while Tikki nodded in agreement.

"Transform me, Tikki!" Marinette yelled, and she turned into Ladybug.

She jumped out of her bedroom window in hopes no one would see her. She felt confident they didn't, considering everyone was too busy staring at the Incinerator.

Ladybug gasped in awe as the flames danced along the villain. A fire ball grew and was hurled towards her. She quickly jumped out of the way and the fire ball smashed into a tree.

"I knew you were hot, but seriously, what did the poor tree do to you?" a voice exclaimed cheekily and Ladybug glanced over to see that it was Chat Noir. She growled at his unnecessary humor.

"We need to stop him before he hurts anyone!" Ladybug yelled, pointing up at the villain.

Chat Noir's sense of humor faded away and it was replaced with seriousness. He nodded firmly.

"I'm going up there to stop him, you stay down here to make sure no one gets hurt, okay?" Ladybug ordered.

Chat Noir nodded. "Got it."

Ladybug sprinted towards the building and immediately searched for an elevator. The lobby was a panicked mess. "Calm down," she exclaimed over the sounds of panic.

She squeezed her way through the crowd and found an elevator that was occupied with someone else. She casually pressed the button and waited patiently.

"So, you're a superhero?" the man asked curiously.

Ladybug glanced over at him awkwardly. "Uh... yeah."

"Cool," the man nodded.

The elevator stopped at the guys' floor and he got off. Ladybug sighed in relief. She now had to wait until she was on the roof.

After a little bit, the elevator dinged, and Ladybug got in her ready stance. The doors slid open, and she was met with the empty rooftop and a clear blue sky.

"Huh?" she mumbled, stepping out. She was suddenly thrown to the left, and a burning pain erupted in thigh. She glanced over, wincing at the pain, and saw the Incinerator standing above her, tossing a ball of fire in his hand as if it were a baseball.

He grinned. "Nice try, Ladybug. Hand over the Miracle stone before I burn you to a crisp."

Ladybug bit her lip, the pain being unbearable, and reached for her yoyo. Incinerators' eyes flickered over to her hand and he grimaced. He threw another fire ball her way but she rolled on her side before it could make contact with her.

She pulled out her yoyo and flung it at him, tying his ankles together. He wobbled and fell to the ground with a grunt. Ladybug slowly got to her feet while she cradled her injured leg. "It'll heal soon," she said with a smile. When people transformed using their Miraculous's, they had enhanced abilities. For example, a burn or cut would heal quickly.

Ladybug limped over to the Incinerator, and looked him over for the item the akuma might've possessed. She couldn't get too close, however, since he emitted harsh heat.

Incinerator formed a fire ball in his hand and threw it towards Ladybug. She quickly sprung up into the air.

"You're not so lucky today, Incinerator," Ladybug smiled.

"You little pest," he growled, and threw another fire ball.

She jumped again, but this time Incinerator had anticipated this action, and he lunged towards Ladybug and landed on top of her.

His hands felt like they could melt steel and they were holding down Ladybug by her wrists. She could hear the sizzling of her own skin and winced in pain, desperately holding back a yelp.

"Now I can destroy you," he smirked, holding up another fire ball.

Suddenly, someone pushed him off of Ladybug and he flew forward, crashing to the ground. Ladybug gasped and looked up. Standing in front of her was a girl with dark brown hair, fox ears, an orange mask covering her face, and a long bushy tail. Ladybug thought she resembled a fox. The girl held a flute in her hand and smiled. She outstretched a hand; well, paw. "Need some help?" she asked.

Ladybug nodded and the fellow superhero helped her up. "Names Volpina," she grinned, and then faced The Incinerator.

"Let's put this guy out," Volpina said with a confident smile and brought her flute up to her mouth. Ladybug couldn't agree more as she swung her yoyo back and forth.

Miraculous Ladybug ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now