Warm Hospitality

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Marinette neatly lined up the pastries in the display case. French macaron's; all handmade by her father and crafted with love.

It was almost opening time for the bakery and Marinette still had many things to do on her checklist. She needed to help her mother with a very hefty cupcake order that was due at noon, refill the icing bags, and flip the door sign from "Closed" to "Open".

That last task would be the least of her worries.

Checking the clock to confirm the opening time, she then skipped over to the front door and flipped the sign over.

Okay, Marinette thought. Now to-

"Marinette!" Sabine yelled, as if on cue. "Could you come here, sweetie?"

"Coming!" Marinette chirped. She joined her mother in the kitchen. There were 5 dozen cupcakes all waiting to be frosted.

"Let's do this," Marinette grinned, blindly grabbing an icing bag. When she noticed it felt strangely empty, she mentally facepalmed herself.

I forgot to refill the icing bags! she screamed in her head. The only icing bags that were filled was the black frosting and the pink frosting. The rest had a very little to none left.

Sabine laughed, comfortingly rubbing Marinette's shoulders. "Thankfully, the customer stated they wanted either purple or pink cupcakes. I'll ice the first half pink and that way you'll have time to refill the other bags. Okay?"

Marinette smiled. Her mother always had a plan B for situations like this. She didn't know where she'd be without her guidance!

"Okay, mama," Marinette chuckled. She grabbed a handful of the empty icing bags, along with the containers of frosting, and got to work.

As she finished up refilling her first bag of frosting, the shop bell rang at the front of the bakery.

"I got it," Marinette said, observing that both of her parents were very busy. Sabine was still icing the cupcakes like a boss and Tom was shoveling breads into the oven.

She left the kitchen and walked to the front of the store. She tied an apron around her waist and met the eyes of her first customer of the day.

She froze.

Green eyes. Piercing green eyes. Those eyes were unique. Matched with soft, swooping blonde hair, it was none other than Adrien Agreste himself. He smiled warmly at her. And that smile could make even the most coldest and distant person melt.

"H-Hello," Marinette stuttered. She didn't know how long she'd been staring at Adrien, but surely he was used to the procedure by now. She'd gawk at him for a few seconds. He'd awkwardly smile back, waiting for a response. Then she'd open her mouth and proceed to sound like a complete blubbering fool.

"Hi Marinette," Adrien replied casually. He still smiled at her even though Marinette knew he felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"What can I get for you today?" Marinette asked, pretending that Adrien was just another customer. Surprisingly, that mindset actually helped her not stutter.

"Hmmm," Adrien pondered. His emerald eyes scanned the desserts on the shelves behind Marinette. She froze, noticing his gaze passing over her.

"What do you recommend?" Adrien asked curiously.

A flashing red light went off in Marinette's head. No! Please no! I can't make recommendations! What if he doesn't like it?

"Uh," Marinette mumbled, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "W-Well, the mille-feuille is pretty good. I mean, I think so."

Adrien flashed a toothy grin, satisfied with her response. "Sounds great! I'll get that then."

"Okay," Marinette nodded, feeling a little more relieved. Although, now lies the hard part. Will Adrien even like it?

She grabbed the pastry off the shelf and carefully wrapped it in a paper bag. She slid it across the counter to him, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Her face was as red as a tomato.

Adrien outstretched his credit card to her, but Marinette shook her head, meeting his stunning green eyes. "No need to pay," she stated, smiling softly. "It's on the house."

"Really?" Adrien replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. All new customers get their first pastry free," Marinette lied, nodding her head. That nonexistent rule only applied to Adrien.

"A-Are you sure? Because it's really not a problem for me to pay," Adrien said, a little flustered.

"It's fine," Marinette smiled, enjoying the fact that for once Adrien Agreste was flustered. "Enjoy!"

"Okay, thank you," Adrien said hesitantly. He walked away, then turned back around. His eyes spotted a tip jar sitting next to the register. He stealthily pulled out his wallet and slipped 10 Euros into the jar.

Marinette, as she was walking back to the kitchen, heard the clink of money hit the jar and turned around. She widened her eyes at the boy. "Adrien! Y-You don't have to-"

"For the warm hospitality," Adrien smiled cheekily. He then escaped out the door.

Marinette laughed crazily, her face turning many shades of red. The freak out was so bad that Sabine had to approach Marinette and ask if she was okay. Also to tell her that she was scaring away the customers.

"I'm fine," Marinette replied once she calmed down. "Totally fine."

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