Love letter

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*NOTE: this is not a continuation from the last chapter. enjoy!

Chat cleared his throat and held up a piece of paper. He smirked cheekily as Ladybug crossed her arms.

"What are you up to?" she asked, tilting her head.

"My lady," Chat said, his eyes scanning the paper. He read it off. "Your hair as dark as night, your pretty bluebell eyes. I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise. Every day we see each other and I never want us to be apart. Please, Ladybug, will you let me own your heart?"

Ladybug's jaw dropped open as she realized that the beginning of the poem sounded exactly like the one Adrien had meant to send her, only the ending was altered since it wasn't Valentine's Day...

Chat smiled expectantly at the shocked and confused Ladybug.

"Do you like that rendition? It fits any occasion!" Chat exclaimed. "It's meant for you, of course."

The realization sunk in and Ladybug felt like she was gonna pass out. Looks like she doesn't need to write a letter back this time, for her actions would do that just as well.

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