Adrienette Imagine

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"Students! You may buddy up with one other person to complete the assignment. You have 25 minutes to finish it. Go!" Ms. Mendeleiev instructed.

Marinette perked her head up and scouted the room. Alya was absent and Nino was partnering up with Max since he was a genius, so that meant Adrien was available.

He was studying his paper intently, pencil in his mouth. Marinette stood up abruptly, feeling confident. She took herself and her paper and slid in the seat besides Adrien. She smiled.

"Hi. Wanna be partners?" Marinette asked.

Adrien glanced up at Marinette, surprised. He smiled. "Sure."

"Great," Marinette replied. She scratched the back of her head and laughed. "I'm horrible at Physics, so I'll definitely need the help."

"Don't worry, I can help you," Adrien beamed proudly.

Marinette felt her cheeks heat up and she smiled. "Great... again!"

Adrien laughed, piquing the interest of Chloé. She snarled.

"Ugh, what does Adrikins love so much about her? He should accept to be my partner, not hers," she hissed.

Sabrina smiled blissfully at Marinette and Adrien. "Aww, they're perfect for each other," she sighed dreamily.

Chloé glared at Sabrina.

"Oh, I was talking about you and Adrien that are perfect for each other," Sabrina defended shakily.

Chloé smiled. "Of course you were. Now let's go break up their little group." She stood up from her seat and sashayed over to Adrien and Marinette.

"Hey Adrien," Chloé cooed, leaning over the desk. "What's up?"

Adrien raised an eyebrow and waved his pencil in the air. "Uh... just working on this assignment with my partner." He gestured to Marinette, to which she waved at Chloé sheepishly.

"As if," Chloé snapped, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

"Just leave us alone, Chloé," Marinette mumbled annoyingly.

"And let you brainwash poor, innocent Adrien? No way. I care way too much for him to let you do that," she said, inching closer to Adrien with every word she spoke. She batted her eyebrows at him.

Marinette growled and was about to reply when Adrien came to his defense. He crossed his arms.

"Is that so, Chloé?" he asked quizzically. "You care way too much for me?"

Chloé nodded, filing her nails. "Yeah, duh."

"Okay," Adrien smirked, standing up. "Since you care so much about my well being, I suggest you stop hurting my friends. That's what you can do for me."

Chloé furrowed her eyebrows and growled while Marinette watched the event unfold in a mixture of surprise and gratefulness.

"Whatever," Chloé said, pointing her nose upwards. She stomped back to her desk and Adrien took a seat. Marinette stared at him in awe.

"Wow Adrien. That was so heroic of you to stand up for me like that," Marinette said.

"Well, I couldn't let Chloé get away with any more of her harassment towards my friends. She can hurt me all she wants, but never the ones I care about," Adrien replied simply.

Marinette smiled a big toothy grin and wanted to hug Adrien. Her heart fluttered immensely. He'd just said it. He cared about her. Instead of hugging him, though, she grabbed her phone and began texting Alya the news. Deep down, Marinette knew she wasn't ready for a hug just yet. She'd probably melt in his arms.

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