Adrien's Twin AU - Part 2

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Chat emerged from his hiding place and scanned the area. The students were still crowded around the unconscious Felix. He joined them as Nino shrieked.

"Woah! Chat Noir is here!"

He wrapped an arm around Chat's shoulder and grinned widely. "Yo! If my friend Adrien were here, he'd be so stoked to see you!"

Chat laughed nervously. "Right."

Ladybug abruptly joined the classmates, causing Alya to shriek this time.

"OMG!! Ladybug!" she exclaimed, whipping out her phone. She held it in front of her and pressed the "record" button.

"Hey, Ladybloggers! I'm here at the scene with Ladybug and Chat Noir!" she squealed, pointing the camera at the two heroes.

Chat smirked and flexed while Ladybug just rolled her eyes. A gasp was heard from Nathanael.

"H-He's getting up!" the red-haired boy shouted frantically.

Ladybug quickly turned around and saw Felix coming to. He stirred. Ladybug quickly glanced at Chat Noir.

"Grab him and take him to a room before he becomes aware," she instructed.

Chat nodded and grabbed Felix by the waist. He and Ladybug sprinted to an empty classroom and sat Felix in a chair. Chat quickly tied his hands and feet together with duct tape. Felix soon groaned and his eyes slowly opened.

"Here's a tip," Chat said cheekily. "Don't mess with any girls' boyfriend."

Felix growled and rubbed his head. "No kidding." His eyes then glanced over at Ladybug.

She waved. "Hiya."

"Hi," Felix muttered.

Ladybug strolled over to Felix and patted his head. "You want some ice for that bruise you have there?" Felix winced from the pain she unknowingly inflicted.

"That'd be appreciated," Felix replied.

Ladybug nodded before walking out of the classroom. As soon as this happened, Felix raised an eyebrow at Chat.

"Does she know?"

"What?" Chat asked with a tilt of his head.

Felix groaned in annoyance. "Your secret identity. Does she know?"

Chat gasped. "Oh! No. So pretend like you have no idea who I am."

"No problem," Felix replied with a roll of his eyes. "I swear you're smarter as Adrien."

"Hey, shh!" Chat whispered harshly. "I don't want her to find out!"

"Find out what?" Ladybug suddenly asked. Chat jumped in shock. He scratched the back of his head and glanced at his partner who was walking in the room with an ice pack.

"Oh, uh, nothing. You don't know anything!" Chat exclaimed with a sheepish smile.

Ladybug smiled. "Relax, kitty cat. Trust me, I would much rather prefer not to hear what you two boys were talking about."

Felix produced a noise of disgust while Chat smirked.

Ladybug walked over to Felix and handed him the ice pack. He placed it on his head. Ladybug then leaned up against a desk and crossed her arms.

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