Ladrien Imagine

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Ladybug soared through the night thanks to her special yoyo. Her mission was to make sure Adrien was okay; there were reports that a villain was targeting the Agreste Mansion.

Ladybug jumped over the fence surrounding the mansion and walked up to the door. Much to her surprise, she noticed a slightly open window beside it. She slid the window up a little further just so her arm could get through, and located the security alarm. Ladybug flung her yoyo at the device, smashing it. That way, when she barged down the door, the alarm wouldn't go off and alert the villain.

Ladybug walked back over to the door and, before taking a few steps back, slammed into it. The alarm whirred weakly but did not make any loud noises. She caught the door before it crashed to the ground and set it aside.

Ladybug sprinted up the stairs in a quick but diligent manner until she found a hallway of doors. Confusion swirled in her brain as she guessed at which door was Adrien's.

"Who's there?" a deep voice asked from around the corner.

Ladybug's heart skipped a beat. It must've been a security guard or something. Did they even have those? Who knows.

Ladybug turned the knob of a random door and slid inside, quietly closing the door back. She patiently listened for voices, wishing Chat Noir was there in case she needed back up. Then again, this allegation was a rumor after all.

Loud snoring erupted from behind Ladybug, startling her. She turned around and saw a woman with brown hair. She guessed it was Natalie, an important figure in the mansion. Maybe she'd have a map of the mansion.

Ladybug carefully moved inside the room, looking around for something that indicates where Adrien could be. Why she wanted to check up on him so bad; well, it was obvious.

Ladybug's eyes lit up as she found a map of the mansion hanging on the wall in a silver frame. She pried it off the wall and held it firmly in her hands. As Ladybug was walking past Natalie's bed, she accidentally hit the side of her drawer with her bony hip. She shrieked and covered her mouth, the pain being too much for her.

Natalie stirred, rolling on her side. She groaned and then continued snoring. Ladybug smiled slightly. She would've never thought that Natalie, the prim assistant, would snore.

Ladybug exited the room, checking either side of the hallway. When the coast was clear, she scanned the map. According to it, Adrien's room was 7 doors down on the right.

Ladybug moved quickly down the hallway, her frantic steps making loud thumps that resonated to the lower floors. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as she realized that she was potentially risking her cover.

Finally, she stood in front of Adrien's room. Her heart fluttered significantly as she thought about the situation. She'd be walking into her crush's bedroom. As weird as it seemed, Ladybug assured herself it was for the mission, and certainly not for herself.

Ladybug twisted open the knob, when a figure appeared at the end of the hallway. She turned her head and saw an angry looking man with black glasses on.

"Hey! Get back here!" the man yelled, sprinting towards her. Ladybug panicked and headed into the bedroom, closing the door. Her heart stopped as she saw Adrien laying in his bed, eyes closed and his chest rising and falling with even breaths.

Ladybug wanted to faint right there, but she was also relieved. He was safe. Furious pounding erupted on the door, causing Ladybug to back away from it. Adrien woke up; his green eyes shooting open at the noise. They traveled upward at Ladybug, and his gaze intensified.

Ladybug looked back at him, and they stared at each other for a long time. Ladybug drowned in his soft green eyes, and she couldn't help but notice his bed head which looked cute on him. He stared back at her, his mind experiencing many emotions. One was shock, another confusion. But the emotion that stood out to him the most was desire.

She looked beautiful standing there, the moonlight brightening up her blue eyes.

"Ladybug-" Adrien began, but was cut off when the door swung open, and standing in the doorway was an annoyed bodyguard. Behind him stood Natalie and a few other assistants.

Ladybug glanced at them, then did a backflip, landing on Adrien's window sill. The rumor of the villain must've been false, because other than the angry bodyguard, she didn't notice any other trouble. Ladybug looked at Adrien one last time, her blue eyes collected and determined, and then slid the window up and jumped out.

Adrien frantically climbed out of his bed and looked out the window, and saw that she was swinging from building to building with her yoyo. He placed a hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heart beat. This experience only proved it more; he was irrefutably in love with Ladybug.

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