Marichat Imagine

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"Bahahaha! Insignificant children!" the villain roared, pointing a blaster at Marinette and her friends.

Alya tugged her friends' arm in desperation. "What do we do?? You're the leader of this field trip!" she whispered.

"Yeah, I'm too young to die!" Nino whimpered from behind Alya.

"I just want to go home," Mylene mumbled dolefully.

Marinette gulped. She had to transform, but she couldn't leave her friends. They counted on her. "Just hope for Ladybug and Chat Noir to show up, I guess," she replied, although Ladybug technically WAS there.

"Now, you'll remain frozen forever!" the villain laughed incessantly, and readied his finger on the trigger. He pushed it, and out a blue icy ball of slush came shooting towards Marinette and her friends. Acting on instinct, she quickly dodged it.

The icy slush smashed into her friends, turning them into human ice cubes. Marinette turned around and faced the villain in her best ready stance. Except she forgot that she wasn't in her Ladybug getup.

The villain laughed at her. "What is this?? A child standing up to me?"

He raised his gun at Marinette as her eyes widened. She couldn't do anything unless she wanted her secret identity to be revealed. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the impact, but it never came.

Crashing erupted, and the villain let out a loud grunt. Marinette opened her eyes and saw Chat Noir standing on top of him. He had his hands on his hips and looked proud.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" Chat Noir smirked.

Marinette stood speechless.

"No thanks for your savior?" Chat Noir asked her, frowning slightly.

"T-Thanks I guess," Marinette replied shakily. "I'm just an innocent civilian," she assured him. She felt completely awkward and out of place facing Chat without wearing her Ladybug outfit.

The villain stirred and weakly reached for his weapon which lay far from him before falling unconscious.

"You're meOW under arrest!" Chat Noir exclaimed at the unresponsive villain. He frowned. "That's just purrrfect. He didn't get to hear my pun." Chat glanced around his surroundings. "Now, if my lady would ever show up..."

Marinette's heart stopped. What would she do? She had to get away somehow.

Chat Noir scurried over to Marinette, a brave glint in his eyes. He flexed. "Don't worry, I'll protect you," he told her with a smirk. "I'm used to this stuff."

Marinette held back the urge to roll her eyes and began to think of a plan. She needed time to get away so she could transform, save her friends, and capture the akuma. She couldn't risk Chat finding out about her secret identity.

Chat bent down to kiss her hand, but Marinette backed away and twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Uh, shouldn't you be watching the bad guy?..."

Chat shrugged and glanced over at the villain. "Once Ladybug shows up, she can capture the akuma. Right now, I've got this under control. Plus he's unconscious."

Chat Noir turned back around to face Marinette, but she had vanished. He blinked a few times, confused.

Marinette had scurried off into an empty closet so she could transform. She opened her purse and out flew Tikki. Marinette smiled at her friend. "Ready?" she asked.

Tikki nodded excitedly and Marinette recited her famous catchphrase.

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