Chat the Pun-kin King

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"You're a total wuss if you don't go into this haunted house with me."

Nino taunted Alya, a michievious grin plastered on his face and a finger pointing to a dark, dilapidated house that looked like it was crawling in ghosts. The brunette narrowed her eyes at the boy whom she had been dating for 2 months now, however based on the look of her face, that 2 month relationship could almost be swept away in the chilly October air.

Speaking of chilly October air, Marinette zipped her jacket all the way up and shoved her mouth inside the lining. She then shoved her hands into her pockets, standing precariously behind Alya, and desperately wished they would go home already. They had been outside for at least 10 minutes now, and although it doesn't seem like a long time, it is when the cold wind is nipping at your bones.

But no, Alya had to answer Nino's phone call and take him up on his childish dare. And poor Marinette was just over Alya's house doing homework, snuggled by the fireplace until she was dragged out from the comfort of Alya's apartment and into the frigid air.

"I'm not going in," Alya smirked, matter of factly.

"Then why'd you show up?" Nino asked tauntingly.

Alya took a provacative step forward, her ombré hair blowing in the wind. "Because I'm here to save you from a stupid decision. Seriously, this house looks a thousand years old. It'll cave in with the slightest of movements."

Marinette used this opportunity to back her friend up and, hopefully, end this pointless debate. She removed her right hand from her pocket and lowered her jacket so her mouth was exposed. "Alya's right. This house is falling apart. It's too dangerous," she proclaimed.

"Nonsense. I just think she's a..." Nino turned away and mumbled in a low voice, "scaredy cat."

Alya raised an eyebrow, gritting her teeth. "What did you call me?"

Marinette facepalmed herself. Oh no...

Nino sucked in a huge gulp of air. He grinned. "A scaredy c-"

Suddenly, a black figure swooped in from above and landed right in front of Nino. A pair of cat ears furnished this persons head.

Marinette facepalmed herself again, as she immediately recognized the figure.

"Excuse me?" Chat Noir said sternly, making eye contact with Nino. However, the remark was anything but serious, as the superhero had a cheeky grin on his face.

Once Nino realized he was joking, a grin replaced the look of fear on his face and he held out a hand for a high five. "Chat Noir! What's up my man?"

Chat Noir happily gave Nino a high five. "Nothing much!" He turned around, put on his best classic superman persona, and asked the girls in a slightly deeper tone, "Are you civilians staying safe?"

"Barely," Alya said, rolling her eyes. She pointed at the creepy house. "Doofus wants to enter this house but he doesn't realize it could literally fall on him in ten seconds flat."

Marinette remained silent, desperately avoiding the opportunity to exchange words with the cocky superhero.

"Hm," Chat said, scratching his chin and staring at the ground, as if deep in thought. Then after a few seconds, his blazing green eyes looked up at Marinette who was staring at her shoes.

"Miss," he announced. "Is this true?"

Marinette looked up, surprised. "O-oh, yeah. Nino is a rascal, I'll tell ya."

"Hey!" he exclaimed from afar.

"Right," Chat grinned, trying to keep a straight face. But then he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Marinette huffed, crossing her arms.

"I got you to talk."

Chat then proceeded to turn away from the girls and face Nino again. "Well, sorry to tell you but the girls are right. Even though you obviously want to impress your girlfriend by escorting her through a supposedly haunted house, it's far too dangerous. Please return back to your home."

"Thank you!" Marinette cheered. "That's what I've wanted to hear all night!"

Nino frowned and pouted like a 5 year old. Chat had revealed his master plan without even really meaning to.

Alya smiled in victory. "The girls are correct once again!" She strolled over to Nino and nudged his arm. "Come on, loser. I'll walk you home."

"Thanks babe," Nino mumbled obediently.

Alya planted a kiss on Nino's cheek and they both walked down the sidewalk, leaving Marinette behind with Chat.

"How cute, they're such lovebirds," Chat commented, inching closer to Marinette.

"Impressive, Chat Noir," Marinette chuckled. "Did you like playing the classic superhero today? With all that authority and gusto you had?"

"You know it, Purrincess," Chat winked.

Marinette sighed. "How many times have I told you to not call me that?"

"Plenty of times. But can I make it up to you by giving you a ride home?"

Marinette clapped her nearly frozen hands together. "Now that is what I like to hear."

Chat extended his staff and opened his arms so he could grab Marinette and lift her away.

She couldn't complain; once she entered his arms his body was like a furnace. It warmed her up perfectly.

"By the way, did I scare you when I popped in out of nowhere?" Chat asked as he lifted them up into the twinkling sky.

"No. But Chat, you scare me in other ways," Marinette laughed playfully.

"Aww, that's no fear," he sulked as they moved across the night sky.

"Point proven."

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