Alya finds out

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"I have to tell her," Marinette whispered to Tikki.

"What? Are you sure??" Tikki asked seriously.

"Yes," Marinette sighed. "Deep down, I know Alya would never tell anyone. Even if she runs the Ladyblog. I don't have the right to keep this secret from her any longer."

Tikki nodded hesitantly. "Alright Marinette. But if anyone else finds out--"

"It'll be fine," Marinette assured. She carefully tucked Tikki into her purse and then approached Alya.

"Hey, girl. I've been looking everywhere for you!" Alya exclaimed. "Where have you been?"

"I'll show you," Marinette sighed. She grabbed Alya's hand and led her into the girls bathroom.

Alya crossed her arms suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

Marinette opened up her purse, but Tikki wouldn't fly out. Alya raised an eyebrow. "If this is some sort of joke it isn't funny."

"Um, excuse me for just a second," Marinette laughed sheepishly, fleeing into a stall.

She picked Tikki up. "We have to do this. I told you, it'll be okay!" she whispered harshly.

"But what if things don't work out, Marinette?" Tikki sighed. "I'm just worried."

"They will. Trust me," Marinette smiled to her assuringly.

"Who are you talking to?" Alya asked.

Her heart lurching out of her chest, Marinette nodded to Tikki. "Ready?"

She smiled. "Yeah."

Marinette took in a big breath and said the famous catchphrase. "Tikki, transform me!"

The Ladybug suit covered over Marinette and she could hear a gasp come from Alya.

"What are you doing in there?" Alya asked frantically, peeking in through the crack of the stall.

Ladybug swung open the bathroom door to reveal a shocked Alya. She blinked a few times and then checked under the stalls beside Ladybug.

"Where's Marinette?" Alya asked quickly. She began to hyperventilate.

"Alya!" Ladybug exclaimed, grabbing her friend by the shoulders. "I'm Marinette!"

Alya shook her head furiously. "No! I'm not gonna believe it. Marinette would never keep a secret that big from me!"

Ladybug stared into Alya's eyes. The brunette then gasped, taking ahold of Ladybug's wrists. "Marinette? It is you, isn't it?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Ladybug nodded slowly and Alya's eyes watered. She crumpled to the floor and sobbed. Ladybug was not expecting this reaction. She crouched beside Alya.

"Please don't cry," Ladybug mumbled guiltily.

"How could you... keep this from me?" Alya asked incredulously, her makeup a mess.

"I had to. I'm sorry," Ladybug sighed. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't find out on your own. You are one heck of a detective after all."

"So... my best friend is Paris's most beloved superhero?" Alya asked, looking up at Ladybug with her tear filled eyes.

"I guess so," Ladybug shrugged, a smile forming on her face.

Alya wiped her tears away and laughed. "I swear, if I wasn't so happy right now I would probably kill you for all the time I wasted trying to find out who Ladybug really was. Turns out it was just you."

"Just me?" Ladybug asked sarcastically.

"Of course," Alya smiled. She squealed and pulled out her phone. "I can't wait to tell everyone that my best friend is Ladybug!"

Ladybug gasped and placed a hand over the phone. "No! You can't tell anyone."

"What? Why?" Alya asked.

"Because it's dangerous and if Hawkmoth knew who I really was, he'd blackmail me into giving him my miraculous."

Alya sighed. "Shoot. You're right."

"Please promise me you'll keep it a secret. Don't even tell Nino and Adrien," Ladybug begged, grabbing Alya's shoulders.

"I promise, girl," Alya nodded. "But I'm still updating my Ladyblog! Wouldn't want to disappoint those die hard fans."

Ladybug laughed. "Of course."

"I still can't believe I couldn't recognize it sooner," Alya said, engulfing her friend in a hug.

"Me too," Ladybug laughed.

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