Life Without Ladybug

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"What's the point," Marinette grumbled, tossing her purse on the bed. "You saw their faces. I was just trying to help-"

Tikki flew out of the purse and sat on Marinette's shoulder, trying to reason with her. "It's not what you think it is!"

"They thought I was a monster," Marinette breathed, staring blankly at the wall. "Those civilians that watched behind the caution tape. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone. I just wanted to save them. But then that new super-heroine stepped in and saved the day. I didn't even get to tell them what actually happened."

"Marinette, I think you're blowing things out of proportion-"

"Am I, Tikki?" Marinette breathed. She lowered her gaze.

"They do NOT think you're a monster!" Tikki yelled. "What you did was brave. You could've died saving that girl from the burning building."

"Then why did they all look at me in fear?" Marinette asked, her eyes watering. "Even Chat Noir. He stood behind that new super-heroine like she was his shield from me. The monster. Then they took the poor girl away to an ambulance and got all the credit for saving her."

"That's outrageous. That's not what happened!" Tikki pleaded.

Marinette stood up and stared at herself in the mirror. She lifted a hand and ran her fingers along the smooth surface of her earrings. "I don't know Tikki. I can't do this anymore. With a new superhero to help Chat Noir, maybe I don't have t-"

Tikki bursted up into the air in panic. She floated directly in front of Marinette's face. "You are not suggesting what I think you're suggesting!"

Marinette was silent. She stared at the earrings in the mirror for the longest time. "Maybe the world would be better off without Ladybug."

Tikki gasped, covering her mouth. "Don't say that. You know how important Ladybug is to you, Marinette. And to Paris."

She slowly took off one earring, and then the other. Tikki cried out, but the shrill noise came to an abrupt stop as the loss of magic caused her to disappear into thin air. A tear rolled down Marinette's cheek.

"Not anymore."

Marinette collapsed to the ground, a crying mess. She firmly closed her hands over the cold earrings and buried her head into the carpet.

After a few minutes of silent sobs, she wiped her eyes and attempted to stand up. Once that was accomplished, she carelessly flopped onto her bed and curled up under her covers.

"I'm sorry Tikki," she whispered sleepily before plunging into a pit of darkness.


Marinette's eyes slowly peeled open. She woke up to her bland ceiling and let out a loud yawn. Surprisingly, her alarm didn't have to wake her up this morning.

She rolled on her side and grabbed her phone, silencing the alarm before it went off. Marinette still felt empty inside from the night before so she decided to stay in bed for an extra few minutes before she had to get ready for school.

She closed her eyes.

Then, a tiny gust of wind brushed her arm, causing her eyes to snap open. She lifted up, momentarily spooked. She examined the room and didn't find anything. Perhaps it was just a fly? Or an open window?

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