Alya the Superhero

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Alya admired her kwami, Trixx. She still couldn't believe she was a superhero! It took her a while for it all to sink in. Now she could fight by Ladybug and Chat Noir's side.

"Do you think I'm ready to fight baddies?" Alya asked Trixx, raising her eyebrow. "I mean, I feel ready!"

"Woah," Trixx said, holding up her paws. She sat comfortably on the corner of Alya's bed. However, the tone in her voice made it sound like she would rather be someplace else. "Calm down. You don't want to get killed, do you?"

"No," Alya replied. "But I'm ready! I know I am. I've already had to wait a day."

"I mean, whatever," Trixx shrugged. "Hey, do you know any good places that wash and condition fur really well? Staying cooped up in a necklace for who knows how long really messes up the fur."

"Can we worry about that later, please?" Alya mumbled. "I have to make my grand appearance in Paris so everyone knows that I'm here to help."

Trixx seemed very unamused and cared much more about her hygiene than helping Alya. But, she gave in and sighed indignantly. "Fine. If you want to transform, just say the words, 'Trixx, tricks out.'"

Alya smiled brightly and clenched her fists in a heroic pose. "Trixx, tricks out!"

But nothing happened.

Trixx bursted out laughing and flopped on her back. "Oh, that was good!" she chuckled.

"Hey!" Alya groaned. "Why didn't anything happen?"

"Because I played a joke on you," the kwami replied.

Alya narrowed her eyes at her.

"What? My name is TRIXX for a reason."

"Okay, fine," Alya nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "But for real, how do I transform?"

"Say, 'Trixx, paws out!'"

Alya paused hesitantly before saying the magical words. In an instant, an orange glow filled the air and a fox suit covered her head to toe. An orange mask perfectly covered her facial features and the fox ears sat perfectly atop her head. The traditional orange suit that once fitted Lila was now inexplicably on Alya. Her brown-red ombré hair fell just below her shoulders in large curls. Lastly, the magical flute manifested itself into her right hand.

"Sweet!" Alya exclaimed in happiness. "I'm a superhero! I can't wait to tell Nino, Marinette, and Adrien!"

She then stopped and remembered what her kwami had told her. Trixx had said that Alya could never tell anyone about her powers, not even her parents.

"But..." Alya mumbled, sitting on her bed. "I tell Marinette everything. I can't hide something like this from her."

Her eyes traveled up and scanned her bedroom. They landed on a poster that read, "Follow your heart," in big red letters. It was her luck. She never would've thought that a poster she had carelessly taped up would influence a decision of hers in such a big way.

"I'm going to tell Marinette," she declared out loud, standing up. "If she had a secret like this, I'm sure she would tell me too."

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