Puppet Chat

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*based on the idea by findoworld on tumblr!

"Chat Noir! No!" Ladybug shouted as she watched the Puppeteer possess Chat Noir. The akumatized girl stood him up with a flick of her wand.

The Puppeteer laughed evilly. "Now you'll feel my wrath!" she exclaimed with a grin. She began moving the Chat puppets' legs.

Ladybug reached for her yoyo as Chat came charging towards her. She was about to throw it when Chat jumped on top of her.

But instead of attacking, Chat had his hands on either side of her body and was puckering his lips, trying to kiss Ladybug. She pushed him back annoyingly. Overhead, his puppet was floating in the same position. Ladybug sighed and looked over at the Puppeteer. "Seriously?"

The villain simply shrugged. "What?! We are all waiting for this."

Ladybug grunted as she pushed Chat off. The Puppeteer growled. "ACCEPT HIS LOVE!" she screeched angrily.

Chat was sent chasing after Ladybug again. She widened her eyes and soared up into the air, desperately avoiding the situation.

"Just stop this Manon!" Ladybug exclaimed hurriedly.

"Never!" the Puppeteer answered through Chat. She growled again and extended Chat's pole to send him flying after Ladybug. "Just admit your love to Chat Noir!"

"If you won't stop this then I will!" Ladybug shouted. She threw her yoyo up in the air. "Lucky Charm!"

Down from the sky came a container of Chapstick. She raised an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to do with?..." Her eyes glanced at Chat who was puckering his lips at the order of the Puppeteer.

Ladybug rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked up at the sky. "Seriously? You give me Chapstick as a Lucky Charm?!"

The Puppeteer sent Chat flying after Ladybug again. She quickly dodged him and swung her yoyo in the air. "I'm not kissing him again!" she proclaimed.

"Just do it for me!" the Puppeteer exclaimed. "If you do I'll stop."

"No way!" Ladybug growled.

The Puppeteer floated to the ground and walked over to Ladybug. She quivered her lip and did the infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Seriously?" Ladybug sighed. "Even as a villain you still have the puppy dog eyes."

"Please Ladybug?" she asked innocently. Her purple eyes didn't help her case, but Ladybug still crumbled.

"Fine!" she exclaimed annoyingly. "But I'm not using this Chapstick!"

"Whatever. Just admit your love then!" the Puppeteer yelled. She sent Chat jogging over to Ladybug and had him stand in front of her. For added effect, the Puppeteer made him pucker his lips slightly.

"Let him look normal. He looks creepy with his lips puckered like that," Ladybug mumbled.

"Fine. You're no fun," the Puppeteer muttered.

Chat's expression returned to normal.

Ladybug sighed and scratched the back of her neck. Although she knew Chat wouldn't hear anything of what she was about to say, it still made her nervous.

"Okay, so... You're my partner," Ladybug said simply. She looked over at the Puppeteer expectantly.

"Not good enough," she replied boringly.

Ladybug groaned. "I can't do this! I feel like an idiot."

"Just DO IT!" the Puppeteer commanded angrily. "Or else your doll is getting possessed NEXT!"

"FINE!!" Ladybug exclaimed frantically. "I like you a lot, Chat!" She then quickly grabbed his face and smashed her lips onto his.

She let go and Chat was still standing there emotionless. If he was actually present, he'd probably be jumping off the walls in excitement. Or maybe he would've passed out.

The Puppeteer's mouth was open in awe. She slowly floated over to Ladybug and handed her the akumatized wand, still in awe. "You win."

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