Adrien Imagine

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SO THIS IMAGINE IS VERY LONG which is something I wasn't expecting but I couldn't help myself with this adorable idea. ENJOY! :)

Adrien walked down the busy sidewalks of Paris, the cool air freezing his bones. He shoved his hands into his coat pockets and continued walking down the street. He wanted some fresh air from his photoshoot that he had been modeling for this morning, but he had no idea how cold it was.

He almost turned the corner when a small grey mass caught his eye. He quickly glanced to the right and saw a grey cat sitting there, it's emerald eyes staring up at him innocently.

Adrien stared back at the cat, interest and curiosity flowing through his veins. He crouched down beside the cat and pet it comfortingly.

"Hey there," Adrien said softly, "You lost little guy?"

The cat didn't answer, of course, and instead began to purr. Adrien scratched under the cat's chin, seemingly its favorite spot. Parisians just passed by without a care instead of addressing the boy in the middle of the street petting a lost cat.

"You must miss your owner," Adrien said. "Want me to take care of you until we find your home?"

The cat meowed and moved closer to Adrien as it rubbed up against his leg. It purred lovingly.

Adrien laughed, picking up the cat. "I'll take that as a yes. What should I name you?..."

The cat tilted its head at Adrien.

"How about... Chat?" Adrien laughed. The cat looked at him boringly.

Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien's jacket. "You better not be replacing me with this furball!" he snapped. The cat hissed at him.

"Calm down," Adrien told Plagg, "I just want to find this guy a home. And no one could replace you, Plagg."

"Good," Plagg replied with a smirk. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have cheese to devour." He exited back into the warmth of the jacket.

Adrien focused his attention back on the cat.

"Okay... so Chat was a bad name option. How about... Whiskers?"

The cat didn't react at all, seemingly telling Adrien that he was not amused. Adrien frowned.

"Well I don't know. I've never named a cat before!" Adrien huffed to the cat. His eyes then caught sight of a shiny name tag around the cats' neck, partly covered by fur.

"Ohhh," Adrien mumbled, moving the fur out of the way and inspecting the name tag. "You're a girl. It says your name is Jade."

The cat meowed affectionately.

"Well, Jade," Adrien smirked, leaning down to the cat. "I'm Adrien and-" He paused when he noticed the uneasy gazes from the pedestrians passing by.

He laughed nervously and then fled the scene with Jade in his arms. He held her close to his chest, shielding her from the cold. Making his way down the street, people glanced at Adrien in interest.

Adrien made his way back into the photoshoot set. He gently set the cat down in a closet that he kept his stuff in. "Stay here, I'll be back soon," he told her. She tilted her head in interest. Adrien slowly closed the door, praying that she wouldn't make a mess in there.

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