I Don't Bite

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*story based off the heaps of comics revolving around this scenario!

Marinette walked into class. The atmosphere felt very... different. She couldn't place her finger on it. Her eyes darted across the room.

The tables were the same. So were the chairs. Ms. Bustier sat patiently behind her desk as students filed into the classroom.

Everything seemed the same, so what was different?

Marinette shrugged, sliding into her seat. She took note that Alya wasn't here today. Must've gotten sick after she practically chased down Ladybug in the rain the night before for an interview.

She heard a thud and saw a figure move in the corner of her eye. A wave of strong cologne splashed her nostrils; it smelled nothing like the kind Adrien wore. She'd be one to know. After all, she was dating the boy for almost three weeks now.

Marinette kept her eyes on her desk as she noticed movement, heard snickers, and then someone sitting down in the seat beside her. Curious, she looked over at the person.

It was a new face. Brown shaggy hair, dark brown eyes. A smirk that just screamed jerk. She began to grow uncomfortable as his gaze shifted from her eyes to her chest. She praised herself for the fact that she never wore exposing necklines.

Marinette faced forward and slid away from the boy, desperately wanting to punch him in the face for his lack of manners. Seriously, checking out a girl you just met? What a player!

"I don't bite," the boy laughed coolly.


A hand furiously smacked down on the table and a smile grew on Marinette's face. The boy jumped back in shock at the loud sound and snapped his head up at the source of the noise.

"I do," Adrien said harshly, his gaze burning holes into the boy.

The boy recoiled in shock, standing up from the seat and backing away. He held up his hands in defense. "You're Adrien, r-right? Look, I didn't want any trouble-"

"Then you shouldn't have been staring at Marinette like that," Adrien growled. "Tell her you're sorry."

Marinette stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Adrien, calm down. It's okay."

"No it's not," Adrien said to her, his emerald eyes softening.

"I promise it's okay," Marinette smiled, glancing back at the frightened boy. "I think you've scared him enough."

"Fine," Adrien sighed. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her gently on the nose. Then, he glared at the boy again who was still standing there.

"Don't disrespect her anymore. Got it?" Adrien warned.

"G-Got it," the boy stuttered. He raced to the back of the classroom and took a seat up there.

"Thanks minou. You're my hero," Marinette laughed playfully. She traced her finger along his clenched jaw.

"Anything for you, Princess," Adrien said, his face relaxing. "I just hate it when boys don't show you any respect."

"I know," Marinette said quietly. She pressed her lips against his cheek before sitting back down.

Adrien smiled, a blush forming on his cheeks. He then walked away and sat down in his seat. Marinette stared at the back of his head as she chuckled to herself.

Oh, how she loved her protective kitty...

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