Valentine's Day Dance

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Marinette twirled her hair nervously, sitting at a table. The lights in the gymnasium were dim and there were colorful spotlights everywhere. People were crowded around the DJ, who was Nino of course. He couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Marinette didn't have anyone to take to the dance, but Alya dragged her along anyways. Adrien wasn't even there.

"Oh, Tikki," Marinette sighed, peeking into her purse at the kwami. She had to get as close as she could to be heard over the loud music. "Why did I even show up? I feel so out of place."

"I'm sorry Marinette," Tikki frowned. "I really thought you'd enjoy yourself."

Marinette stood up, her long, red dress that Alya had picked out for her cascading to the floor. "I'm just going to go home and I'll text Alya that I left. She'll be fine. Besides, when she went to get us drinks she probably ran into people we know and started talking."

"Well... alright," Tikki said in dismay. "I'm sorry you didn't have fun."

"It's okay. Maybe I'm just feeling down because Adrien isn't here," Marinette replied, making her way through the crowd to get to the door.

The school had put in a lot of effort in the decorations. The dark gymnasium had a pink ambience to it thanks to the magenta spotlight shining out. Silver streamers and Valentine's Day decals lined the walls. It successfully set the mood. However, it made Marinette sad that she couldn't fully enjoy it all.

Her feet hit the pavement and she jogged down the steps of the school. Her eyes watered. This was not how she imagined her Valentine's Day. She felt like a fool dressing up. She secretly hoped that Adrien would've shown up, but to no avail.

So, Marinette walked home, her arms crossed as the slightest breeze whipped her long hair to the side.

Hurried footsteps erupted behind her and she abruptly stopped. The sound of someone panting filled her ears as well.

Marinette swiveled around in shock and saw Adrien jogging towards the school, dressed in a nice suit. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers. His gaze was focused on her. Her heart filled with joy! He came!

He skid to a stop in front of her and tilted his head. His emerald eyes scanned her, trying to find out why she was crying. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Marinette wiped her tears away, suddenly feeling really embarrassed. Her makeup was runny and she looked like a mess. "I-I'm sorry. I should go."

"Why?" Adrien asked. "You look beautiful."

Marinette felt her cheeks heat up and her eyes widen as she comprehended his words. "Uh, me? B-Beautiful?"

"Of course," Adrien replied with a smile. He handed her the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."

She was hardcore blushing now! Words couldn't explain her excitement. She shakily took the flowers from him. "Thank y-you."

He held out a hand to her, a cute smile on his face. "Shall we dance?"

Marinette hesitated before taking his hand. She nodded her head yes and smiled since she couldn't find the air in her lungs to form words. Her hand was so petite compared to his. Adrien helped her up the steps like a true gentlemen and together, the two entered the school.

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