The Beginning of it all

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July 15th 2007 - 

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July 15th 2007 - 

Jessica and Sam sat in their living room peacefully, watching Family Feud, it was a regular Friday night. Jessica had just finished shooting her new Movie Sybil, and Sam was still filming Ruffian.. Award show season was coming to an end. Jessica and Sam stayed at their cabin in Minnesota. They enjoyed their peaceful summers away from the public eye. It's how they liked it, alone. Jessica hadn't been seen by the paparazzi for at least a few months.. And it would only be a few more until Jessica and Sam head back to New York.

"Well it looks like Family Feud is over, I think I am gonna get to bed. Very tired, how about you hun?" Sam stands up from his recliner and stretches, ending with a dramatic yawn..

"I am going to finish up the dishes, you get some rest.. You have that big fishing trip with your brothers tomorrow." Jessica kisses Sam on the cheak and heads to the kitchen. 

After finishing up the dishes Jessica gets a phone call, the phones in the cabin rang very loud, but had horrible connection. Any time a phone rings in the cabin, they consider it an emergency, only close friends and family know the number, Jessica answers quickly not thinking to check caller ID. 

"Hello?" A very loud muffled sound comes from the phone- "Hello is anyone there?" Jessica says in a louder tone.

"Jessica. It's me, I need you to- " The phone shoots out another loud muffled sound.. Jessica could barley recognize the voice..

"Meryl? Is this you? I can't understand a lot of what you are saying, what do you need me to do? Is everything okay?" Jessica raises her voice a little bit more, trying not to wake Sam. She begins to worry.. She hadn't herd from Meryl for at least a year, she knew Meryl had been going through trouble, but sadly lost touch.

"Jessica, meet, at, 4394, young's, I have a chi-" The phone disconnected and Jessica could barely understand what she said other than "4394 Youngs" and "I have". Jessica didn't know what 'Youngs' meant. she didn't think much of it,after a while, she thought fans could have gotten her number and it was a prank call. But...There was still a little piece of Jessica that was still worried.

The Next Morning-

"Sam, I packed you some food for the trip to the lake, in case you guys get hungry..." Jessica organizes Sam's things so everything is perfect..

"Jess, you didn't have to do that, we will end up stopping for burgers.." Sam kisses Jessica and Jessica giggles. Sam goes to reach for her breast hoping to have a quickie before his brothers arrive-

"Sam, uhh, Sam, your brothers are going to be here, I have to finish making your sandwich-  Jessica giggles but doesn't refuse the attention...

"Hey baby, I would like to take you to the bedroom..." Sam laughs and picks Jessica up.

"Oh Sam! " Jessica tries to push Sam away when she sees his brothers standing at the door, quietly giggling..

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