Olympus Pen

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"Look at this beauty

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"Look at this beauty... An Olympus Pen. We can take this with us to Hawaii." Sam plays around wife his new camera while Jessica does this dishes.

"Glad you were able to find it for a cheap price. It's nice." Jessica smiles 

"Yea me too. I should test it out." Sam stands up and follows Jessica to the doorway. 

"Sam, not now. I am taking out the trash." Jessica puts the trash bag on the floor and turns back towards Sam.

"Smile baby!" Jessica quickly puts a smile on her face and Sam snaps the picture.

"You are a model! Beautiful baby." Sam walks over to her and kisses her putting his hand on her belly.

"You are too sweet. You always make me feel good." Jessica blushes

"Well, it's true." 

"Hey! Don't forget we have a meeting with Kennedy's principal tomorrow." 

"Oh yea, I almost forgot. I can't wait for her to get out of that school already. And for our little buggy to come out." 

"Me too honey. I am getting tired, thinking of going to bed. Is Kennedy asleep?" 

"Yea. She went to bed about an hour before you got home. She was in her room reading today, and did her chores." 

"Okay. No electronics, right?"

"Correct, they are in the office drawer." Sam stands up and follows Jessica up the stairs. Jessica walks towards Kennedy's door and opens it slightly.

"Look at her Sam." Jessica tilts her head and smiles. Suddenly Jessica is startled by her phone ringing. She quickly shuts the door and answers her phone quickly, not looking to see who it is.

"Hello?" Jessica says quietly

"Jess, Hi. It's Meryl." 

"Meryl, um what's going on?" Jessica widens her eyes and looks at Sam, going into her bedroom, directing him to follow her.

"I was wondering if possibly I can see Kennedy again. Maybe bring Don and Julia?" 

"I will have to see. We have a lot going on at the moment. I don't want to overwhelm Kennedy."

"Okay. How is she doing? I still feel so terrible, really I do." 

"She is just fine now. Thanks for asking."

"If you get a medical bill, I will pay. It was my fault." 

"No need Meryl. I will talk to Kennedy and see if she is ready. I will get back to you. Were you planning on coming to New Orleans?" 

"Possibly. Anything to see her. Don wants to meet her, so does Julia." 

"Like I said. I want to talk to Kennedy and Sam first."

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