The Wait

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"Thank you for coming with me today." Jessica says in a shaky voice.

"Ohh Jess, it's no problem. I just want you to be okay."

"It scares the shit out of me Sarah. It really does."

"I know... You just need to push through it. In the end everything will be okay. You have to remember that. No matter what."

"You're right."

"Do you feel okay?"

"Yea, my boob is all numb and I hate it." Jessica giggles

"That would be weird."


When Jessica got home she went straight up to her room to get some rest. Sarah was going to pick up Kennedy so she could spend some time with her before she leaves for California.

"Hey baby, how do you feel?" Jessica says running her hands down Sam's face.

Sam slowly stretched and held his stomach.

"You're burning up Sammy..."

"I'm good, how did it go?"

"It hurt at first when they numbed my boob... I'm just waiting for it to wear off." Jessica chuckles

"I'm glad you're home..."

"Why don't you take a shower, it will make you feel better."

"I'm too weak. Throwing up has taken so much out of me."

"Aww, my poor baby." Jessica says quivering her lip. Then she laughs

"Don't make fun. I feel like crap." Sam rolls over and covers his head with the sheets.

"Alright, I'm sorry." Jessica let's out a sigh and sits next to him in the bed.

Sam rolls back over and looks at Jessica who was distraught. She stared at the tv in front of her that was off and rested her hands over her stomach.

"Jessie, I can't stay mad at your cute face." He says


"What's bugging you."

"The wait."

"Oh... You'll know later tonight, right?"

"More like four days."

"Wow. That's a long time."

"It's hard going on with my day knowing I have some kind of lump in my breast. Knowing that my doctors are questioning whether if it's cancer or not. It's hard for me to put a smile on my face with the thought that I might have cancer and I don't know it. Then I think, what if I do have cancer, what's next? God had thrown curve after curve to me. I know I can get through it, I always do. But seriously think about it, cancer. Cancer, cancer, cancer. The scariest and most intimidating thing. I saw family members of mine die of cancer. You've seen your family members die of it. I know I won't die, but still. It scares me so much. When I think about it, I think about our family, I think about how cancer changed other families, I think about the kids, I think about you, I think about everything. I just want these four days to be over so I can get this damn thing removed and move on. I just want this to be the worst part and for the worst part to be over."

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