You Don't Need Hair

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April 18th- 

It was almost a month later. Jessica continued going to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Jessica was no longer her old self, neither was her body. Jessica had lost 13 pounds in just a few weeks. It was an uphill battle to gain it all back. She didn't eat, sores were in her mouth and went down her throat. Jessica's whole body was in pain, her hands trembled, she constantly had headaches, and was very sore. She lost all of her muscle mass and was very weak to the point where she could barely hold Camden because she was also losing balance. If she ever had to go to the grocery store or walk for a long time Sam would push her in a wheelchair. Jessica hadn't lost all of her hair but was slowly starting to. Every time she would take a bath or shower a handful of hair would but stuck in the drain. Jessica cried herself to sleep, she was miserable and wanted it to end. She wasn't happy anymore. Nothing made her happy. She was unable to care for her children like she used to. Sam and Dorthy practically did everything. It wasn't that they minded but Jessica felt so helpless barely being able to take care of herself. It was frustrating for everyone because nobody was able to do anything to take away the pain. Kennedy was on spring break. To brighten Jessica's sprits Jessica's sister Ann and Jessica's father were coming to town. Ann was bringing her daughter Audrey so Kennedy could get her mind off things and it would brighten her spirits. 

Sam and Kennedy went to the airport to pick up Ann, Albert, and Audrey. Jessica wasn't really able to leave the house because she couldn't risk getting sick. 

Jessica got out of bed and went downstairs to take her medicine. Dorthy was in the kitchen making a big dinner when Jessica walked into the kitchen. 

"Hi, honey." Dorthy smiles pulling out Jessica's medication from the cabinet.

"Hey..." Jessica said softly

"How do you feel today?"

"Horrible... I want to feel better for when everyone gets here, my body just isn't cooperating."

"I'm sorry... Do you want to try to eat something?"

Jessica shakes her head as she takes a sip of ice water. She hisses in pain and squints her eyes from how painful it was to just drink water.

Dorthy came up behind Jessica and ran her fingers through Jessica's hands to calm her down. Jessica quickly put her hand on top of Dorthy's. Dorthy moved it away and saw chunks of Jessica's hair between her fingers. 

Jessica lets out a sigh grasping onto the countertop. Tears run down her face.

"I'm so disgusting. Look at me."

"No, you aren't sweetheart. You are beautiful." 

"I'm losing my hair... I'm as thin as a skeleton."

"You don't need hair to be beautiful." 

"I just want to feel good about myself, it's so hard to."

Dorthy hugs Jessica comforting her.


An hour later, Ann, Audrey, and Albert arrived.

"Jessica," Al says walking to Jessica who sat wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. Jessica tried to get up.

"Stay there." He says sitting next to her and giving her a hug.

"Hi, dad," Jessica says

"Hello, sweetheart..." 

"Aunt Jessica!" Audrey says 

As she runs into the room she notices how different Jessica looks.

"Hi honey, how are you?" Jessica smiles

"I'm good. You look beautiful aunt Jess." Audrey gives Jessica a hug and kiss on the cheek.

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