She Needs Me

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Jessica and Sam took the next flight back to New York. They left everything at the hotel, slid on whatever the could and got to Kennedy as fast and possible. Jessica wasn't able to get ahold of Sam's sister Sandy. There was no answer. Jessica wasn't able to know what had happened to Kennedy, where she was, what was going on, if she was okay, and if things would be okay. Finally they had gotten ahold of Sam's mom. Sandy had drove to the nearest hospital after the ambulance Kennedy was taken in. The hospital she was taken to wasn't so great. So Kennedy was life delighted to a better hospital. Jane stayed with the baby.
Around 5 am, Jessica and Sam landed in New York.
"It's gonna be okay." Sam says putting his hand on Jessica's leg that she bounced up and down.
"What if it isn't. She is probably so scared."
"Sandy is there. And we will be there soon."
"I can't believe this happened." Jessica says looking out the taxi window.
"Accidents happen."
Jessica runs into St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital center. Sam had told Sandy to let them take Kennedy to the best hospital in New York. Sam ran after Jessica.
"Sandy! What happened? Where is she?" Jessica says to Sandy.
"Thank goodness you are all here. She was standing on the countertop dancing. She slipped and hit her head on the floor. She is getting some more test and  X-rays." Sandy cries
"Oh my god. Did she hit her head hard?" Sam says
"Very, she was screaming for hours. Her nose started to bleed and her face became swollen. They said she has a fractured skull, and some brain bleeding. They where doing more test and scans to see why she isn't..." Sandy chokes up
"See why she isn't what? What else is there Sandy!"
"Why she isn't waking up. Jessica Sam I am so sorry. It was an accident ."
Jessica puts her head into Sam's chest and cries. She was so overwhelmed and nervous. She knows how head injuries can end up, they can go into a coma that can lost days, weeks, months. It scarred the death out of her.
"Baby, take deep breaths." Sam says rubbing Jessica's back as she hyperventilates.
"Where are the doctors?" Sam yells looking around. A few moments later a tall doctor walks up to Sam and Jessica.
"Kennedy's parents I assume? I am Doctor Casi. I am the head of neurology here. " he says putting out his hand.
"Hi, how is our daughter?" Sam says
"She is stable. She must have taken a hard fall. She has a fractured skull, and some brain bleeding. We where're able to control the bleeding. From what I have read, she has been unconscious since she was in the ambulance. It's good you brought her here so we can do everything we can."
"When will Kennedy wake up?" Sam ask
Jessica was silent.
"We don't know. With the strong impact to her brain, it could be a while. All you can do right now is wait."
"Doctor, she is done with scans. What room?" The nurse says walking ahead of another nurse wheeling Kennedy's bed.
"This one right here. Thanks Nancy. Well, if you would like to go sit with her you are more than welcome. But since visiting hours are over, only you two."
Jessica tears up and follows Kennedy's bed into the room.
When the put the bed in the room and hooked up the machines Jessica pulled up a chair and sat next to her taking her hand. Jessica caressed her swollen face and held her hand.
"She looks like she is in pain. Look at her Sam, I can't recognize her."
"It's from the trauma. She is still out baby girl." Sam pulls up a chair next to Jessica.
"I know she is. She is our little beautiful girl. I just want her to wake up so I can hear her voice. Hearing your child's voice is the most refreshing thing." Jessica leans her head on Sam who wraps his arms around Jessica.

"Want anything from the cafeteria?" Sam says standing up.
"A coffee would be great." Jessica says
"I will be right back." Sam kisses Kennedy than Jessica.

Jessica stretches than lays herself next to Kennedy.
"Oh Ken, I love you so much.
All these tubes scare me, I hope you aren't hurting.
I just want you to wake up baby girl."
Jessica looks over at her head. There was a small spot on Kennedy's head where they had to have shave it and give her stitches.
Kennedy was in the ICU. They closely monitored her and the brain bleeding.
"Please be okay baby." Jessica kisses her and moves off the bed when the doctor comes back in.
"Mrs. Shepard, we got the results back." The doctor says.
Sam walks in just in time and sets down the coffee.
"Good news and bad news.
Good news is there is brain activity, and she will not need surgery. Bad news, we don't know when she will wake up." The doctor says looking at the papers.
"That's good Jessie, no surgery." Sam hugs her.
"Thank god. When she does wake up, what are the steps from there?" Jessica says crossing her hands.
"Well, recovery is different for everyone. But she is so young so it will be rough. She will have to go through some therapy to regain strength. Effects from the fracture can be nausea, headaches, confusion and possible memory loss."
"I have known people that wake up out of comas and are back on there feet in a week."
"Well, like I said her fracture was a bit more major, and the bleeding. The impact on her brain will have her waking up with symptoms."
"Will she be the same?" Sam says with watery eyes.
"We can't say until she wakes up sir, I am sorry."
Jessica holds Sam and looks back at Kennedy.
"I suggest you two go home for a while and get rest. We will let you know if anything happens.
"Jess, we should probably get home to Camden." Sam says
"But she needs me here." Jessica says sitting down.

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