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After Jessica passed out she was rushed to the hospital

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After Jessica passed out she was rushed to the hospital. Sam had been worried sick. He called Albert and Dorthy to tell them what was going on. They weren't sure why Jessica had fainted.

"Jess, are you awake?" Sam taps Jessica's hand

Jessica jerks quickly then looked around.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. I must have been dehydrated or something. Is the baby okay?"

"That's what the doctors think happened. Jess, you need to take better care of yourself. What did you eat today?"

"I do take care of myself. I just had a pancake and that salad."

"Well, you need to eat and drink more honey. I am just glad you are okay."

"I want to go home, when can we leave?" Jessica puts her head on the pillow and rubs her stomach.

"Soon, they have you on some fluids so I imagine after you are finished with it.

Is the little boy kicking at all?" Sam taps Jessica's stomach.

"Yea, he is moving around a lot. Poor thing is probably ready to come out."

"We are all ready to meet him."

"I am sorry for ruining tonight. But thank you for everything. I am so lucky to have you, Sam Shepard." Jessica giggles.

"Hey, look at it this way. We got to spend time together."

"My phone dinged, can you grab it. I want to see if my mom or Ken called." Sam goes over and reaches for Jessica's phone. He looks at her notifications.

"I don't know if you want to see this. TMZ."

"Oh shit, where they at the restaurant when the ambulance came. I would have hoped they left after we went in to eat." Sam hands Jessica the phone.

"Nope, a few hung around."

"Look! Jessica Lange Shepard spotted with her husband for a funky holiday night when cutting short after passing out... Get this, Jessica Lange pregnant! Who is the dad? Did she lose the baby?" Jessica rolled her eyes throwing her phone on the bed.

"Don't worry honey, you know none of it is true."

"I know, I know. I just hate them."


Two Weeks Later

"Are you sure you don't want to go and have some donuts with us, Jess?" Dorthy walks into Jessica's room.

"No. I don't feel good, you guys go ahead and have fun."

"Do you want to come to Sam?"

"It's okay. I want to stay here with Jessica." Sam says sitting next to her in bed.

"Come on you guys, why not?"

"Mom! I really don't feel well." Jessica snaps

"Okay, I am sorry. We will be back later." Dorthy walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Jessica rolls her eyes. "She is such a nag sometimes."

"Oh Jess, don't say that. You know she means well."

"I know she does. She has been here since January, why don't her and my dad just head home already so I can enjoy these last 5 weeks in peace."

"You wanted her to stay and help out if you want her to leave tell her."

"Whatever." Jessica rolls onto her side.

"Someones moody." Sam laughs

"Not in the mo-" Jessica was interrupted by a sharp pain. "Fuck!"

"Jess, is the pain back again?" Sam rolls over to her and rubs her back.

"Yea, it's even worse. This has been happening all night."

"What kind of pain is it?"

"Period cramp pains, a tightening feeling in my stomach. It hurts like a bitch."

"Let me go get a heating pad for you."

"I don't want one! Just stay here and hold my hand, it hurts."

"Do you think these are contractions?" Sam says, the room grew quite. Jessica giggles it off,

"Impossible, he still has 5 more weeks to go!"

"Maybe I should call the doctor Jessie."


"Shepard?" The nurse calls.

Jessica takes Sam's hand and wobbels into the office slowly, in pain.

"God, when will he be in here. I am worried." Jessica cries laying on the bed.

Right after she said that the doctor walked in.

"What seems to be the problem Mrs. Shepard?"

"I think I am in labor, I don't know. I have the worst pains."

"I doubt you are in labor." The doctor says faintly, turning around and looking at his computer.

"Than what is going on! I have never felt like this!" Jessica yells.

"Mrs. Shepard, calm down. We will get an ultrasound and see what's going on."

"Thank you." Jessica says, Sam holds her hand to calm her down, but she moves it away.

"Pull up your shirt please and move your jeans down a bit."

The doctor puts the gel on Jessica and moves around.

"Looky there! A perfect little boy. He is moving his body verticaly, a little early. I think you were just experiencing some braxton hicks. Braxton hicks are like cramps. They prepare you for the real deal. Which you still have 5 more weeks. March 23? Correct?" The doctor smiles.

Jessica tears up and lets out a deep breath. "Thank goodness everything is okay. Can we see a 3D picture?"

"Of course."

"Look at him, crossing his little arms." Jessica smiles and looks at Sam who is crying.

"I will print this for you. And Jessica, make sure you eat and get this baby big. He is looking a bit smaller."

"I sure will. Gosh seeing his little face made my day so much better."

Sam and the doctor make eye contact and laugh.

"What, a pregant lady can't be moody?"

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