Right Here

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6:20 am
*phone rings*
"Who the hell is calling me at 6 in the morning." Jessica moans rolling over away from Sam.
"Jess, we were cuddling."
"It could be important."
"Who is it."
"Damn it."
Jessica rolls her eyes mouthing the name Meryl. Sam quickly stands up and sis next to Jessica so he can hear the conversation.
"Jessica! Sorry for calling so early. Can you talk?"
"Um sure. What's going on?"
"Are you all settled in at your new home?"
"Yes we are. Finally finished."
"Okay, how is Kennedy liking school?"
"She really likes it. She is happy to be at her new school."
"That's great to hear. I was wondering what you were all doing next weekend."
"Next weekend? I have my shower on Friday. Other than that nothing. Why?"
"Well, Don is going to be going to meet with a client in the city on Saturday. We are planning on coming to NYC on Thursday. I wanted to know if we could see Kennedy. I really want to have a relationship with her."
"I will have to talk with her and Sam. I don't think it will be a problem. But I would like her to be with us on Friday. Our family will all be in town."
"Great! I am so glad to hear. Thank you Jessica. Just let me know. We are staying at the Holiday Inn, in Brooklyn."
"Okay, thanks for calling. I will catch up with you on Monday."
Jessica hangs up the phone and throws her phone on the bed. She runs her hands through her hair.
"So, she wants to see her again?"
"Yes." Jessica says quickly digging her head into the pillow.
"Jessie, don't get yourself upset. She hasn't said anything about challenging the adoption papers. She just wants to see her." Sam rubs her back.
"Ugh. You don't understand."
"What do you mean, I am her parent too."
"But I am her mom. And another women coming in just makes me... I don't know. It's stupid."
"Jealous? Angry?"
"It's stupid, I know."
"It's not stupid Jess. It's stupid you are letting it get to you. Kennedy loves you baby, no one can replace you. Hey I am nervous about her meeting Don. But then I think, I am the one she knows, who has been there for her, and that I am her dad, blood or not."
"I love you."
"I know. How could you not?" Sam laughs
"Sorry you have had to put up with my moodiness."
"Well, I love you, so I kinda have to." Sam lays down and puts his head in Jessica's belly.
"Get up!" Jessica moves quickly
"I have to pee! Move!"
Jessica runs to the bathroom, Sam sits in the bed and laughs.
Sunday night
"How is the chicken?" Jessica says sitting down .
"Great! Is there more?" Kennedy looks over at Jessica with a clean plate.
"Yes! I will go get you more." Jessica slowly stands up holding onto the table and chair.
"Honey sit down, I will get it for her. You need to eat and relax."
"Thanks, it'a getting a bit harder for me to get up." Jessica giggles.
"Are you ready for your math test tomorrow honey?" Jessica says to Kennedy.
"Okay good. You have a C in that class, so maybe work with daddy after your shower. He can help you on some word problems." Jessica smiles digging into her chicken.
"Here you go Ken. Eat up!" Sam brings Kennedy more chicken and sits down, looking at Jessica.
"Um honey, Meryl called me this morning." Jessica says putting down her fork.
"Okay. Why?"
"She is coming into town this Thursday with her daughter and Don."
"Who is Don and her daughter?"
"Don is your biological dad, Julia is 5. She is your biological sister." Jessica says clearing her throat.
"Oh. I didn't know I had a sister."
"Technically yes. Would you want to see her if she comes to town?"
"I guess. What day? Isn't grandma and grandpa, and other family coming Friday?"
"Yes. For the shower on Friday. You can see Meryl whenever, just not Friday."
"I would rather see Audrey, auntie Ann, and grandma and grandpa."
"Well you can still see them. But Meryl would like you to meet Don and Julia. If it is going to be too much you have to tell us. And mommy and daddy will be there the whole time."
"Okay. Maybe Saturday they can come here?"
"If you would like that would be fine. Whatever makes you comfortable." Sam says smiling.
"I can't wait to see Audrey at the baby shower!" Kennedy says changing the subject.

Later that night Jessica called Meryl to set a time for them to all come over. Jessica was sick to her stomach the rest of the night, nervous.
Jessica and Sam laid in bed late at night feeling for the baby. Jessica couldn't sleep because she was so uncomfortable. Sam stayed up with her. Jessica went back and fourth to the bathroom and took a lot of hot baths. As Jessica and Sam were getting ready to get to bed and finally relax, Kennedy walked into their room.
"Kennedy? Is that you at the door?" Jessica says in a giggly tone as Sam tickles her feet.
"Shhh Sam." Jessica says quietly.
"Yea, can I come in?"
"Mhm, come in sweetie. Where daddy and I keeping you up?"
Kennedy walks in and uses the stool to get up onto the bed.
"I was wondering why the bath kept turning on. But no."
"What's has you up Ken? It's 2:00 am, holy crap Jess! It's two am!" Sam laughs .
"I can't sleep. I have so much on my mind."
"How can a little person like you have so much on their mind? You have school tomorrow missy." Jessica laughs holding Kennedy and playing with her hair.
"Meryl, I thought I was her only kid?"
"Well, no. She had Julia after you. A couple years later." Jessica says calming down.
"Why are you thinking about this Ken? Is this keeping you up?" Sam says worried.
"I don't understand. Why did she keep her but not me? I thought she didn't want kids."
Jessica and Sam look at each other, speechless. They didn't know what to say.
"Um, well Meryl. Well when she had you she was at a point in her life were she couldn't take care of you. She wanted what was best for you. So she decided to give to us. She knew we could give you a better life than she could. She wanted what was best. It wasn't that she didn't want to keep you. She loves you." Sam says in a stuttered tone.
"Oh. Does she want me back? Is that why she always wants to see me?"
"She wants a relationship with you. To make up for the years she missed." Jessica softly says.
"Is she going to take me away from you?"
"No honey." Jessica and Sam say at the same time.
"Good, I want to be with you, right here."

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