Perfectly Fine

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A few days later Jessica decided to get her mind off things and go out to eat with Sarah.

"I wish I could work with you again. I miss hanging out with you on set."

"Ahh, I miss being on set with you too."

"You're acting is just inspiring. Truthfully."

"I appreciate it. I just feel like it isn't something I want to do. As addicting as it is." Jessica chuckles

"How are things going? You seem off?"

"Off? I'm not off."

"Jessica... I'm you're best friend. I know when something's wrong."

Jessica looked at Sarah then suddenly broke into endless tears. Sarah reached over and took Jessica's hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this." Jessica wipes her tears and looks the opposite way.

"Hun, you can tell me anything."

"It's really nothing..."


"I found a lump on my breast. I went to the doctor and he recommended me to an oncologist. I have a biopsy this Thursday."

Sarah sat there in shock. She began shaking her head in denial.

"No, you can't."

"I don't know for sure. I'm really praying that it's not cancerous. I'll be fine."

"Jessica I love you so much. I'll be there for you. Anything you need, okay?"

"I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. I don't want you worrying about me!"

"I'm so sorry Jessica."

"It's not for sure. That's why I didn't want to say anything."

"I'm glad you told me."



"Mommy, can you and I go for a walk?" Kennedy says walking into Jessica's room.

"A walk? Sure!"

"Good!" Kennedy runs into her room and grabs her shoes while Jessica gets ready.

Sam and Camden were out running around so it was just Kennedy and Jessica.

"I like walking with you." Kennedy holds Jessica's hand.

"You're so sweet."

"Are you sick?"

Jessica stops and looks down at Kennedy.

"Sick? No. I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay. You've been going to the doctor a lot."

"Just for shots I need to catch up on."

"Okay mom." Kennedy says

Kennedy and Jessica continued their walk around the neighborhood. They walked past the duck pond and went to the creek.

After walking for an hour or so it was getting dark so they went back home.

"Hey you guys, where have you been?" Sam says giving Jessica a hug has she walks in

"We went on a nature walk and saw cool frogs." Kennedy says happily

"Nice. Well little buggy and I were making dinner."

"Yum! It smells good." Jessica chuckles.


Wednesday Night-

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