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Later that day, after Sam and Jessica found out about the gender, they headed back home until it was time to go get Kennedy from school. Jessica and Sam could not wait to tell Kennedy the big news.

"I guess now we can start shopping for baby stuff!" Jessica giggles as she rubs her stomach. She sat on the couch in Sam's office as he edited some of his writing.

"I guess so! Go crazy."

"Do you think Kennedy will be happy?" Jessica says in a soft tone.

"I don't know honey, she doesn't have much emotion right now." Sam grunts.

"Oh, I hope she will be happy. That's what's most important. Our children are happy." Jessica tilts her head as she moves her finger in circles on her tiny stomach.

"We should get going soon. Unless you want me to take her to pick her up and take her to therapy." Sam puts down his pen and looks down at Jessica with a smile.

"No, No. I want to go, and we decided we are going to talk to the doctor. See why she has been so distant." Jessica stands up and heads into the other room, to get her purse.

In a louder voice Sam says " That will be good. I have never seen her like this. I think we should have made the choice together, whether or not to give her the letter Jess, maybe thats what is bugging her." Jessica walks back into the room ready too go.

"Whatever it is, we are going too help her." Jessica glances at the door, and they are then on their way to the school.


In the car

"So, how are we going to tell her?" Jessica says with a large smile on her face.

"I don't know, how about we just tell her."

"Yea, I guess." Jessica says with the smile slowly simmering away from her face.

"Lets not overwhelm her right now, she is in a sensitive estate." Sam takes Jessica's hand, and slowly moves it up her leg.

"Sam, what are you doing." Jessica picks up his hand and moves it away from her.

"I miss you baby. I miss your body."

"I am right here Sam. My body is right here, not in a different state." Jessica says in an intreated tone.

"Sorry. It looks like we are here, I will go inside and get her, they have a new pick-up system." Sam gets out of the car, going to get Kennedy.


"Hey sweetie! How was your day?" Jessica says turning her head to the backseat.

"Fine." Kennedy says in a quite voice.

"Well, are the teachers helping you get caught up on school work?"

"Yea, It's all done. They gave a lot of it to me at the hospital."

"I forgot, well thats good. Did you need to use your walker today? How are your hipps feeling?"

"Yes, and they are fine." Kennedy fakes a smile so that Jessica would stop asking questions.

"Ken, mommy and I have a surprise, we went to the doctor today. Wanna see a picture of the baby?" Sam gets in the car and grabs the ultrasound picture from the glove compartment. Handing it to Kennedy.

"I don't understand those pictures, you can never see anything." Kennedy takes the picture, taking a quick glance then giving it back.

"Wait, daddy, let me see it again." Sam hands it back to Kennedy, with a small smirk on his face. Jessica giggles.

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