Is This Heaven

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Sam woke up early in the morning. The cold gust of wind from the window sent shivers through his body. He looked around the room. It wasn't what he usually woke up to. Sam gazed to his left and saw Jessica's side of the bed made and untouched. Sam let out a sigh and sat up. He herd dishes clinking from downstairs.

Sam looked at the clock and saw that it was seven thirty.

He quickly bursted out of bed and dashed to Kennedy's room.

When he opened the door the bed was made. The room was different. All of Kennedy's toys were gone. It was empty. It looked like someone hadn't lived there in ages. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

Why was Kennedy's room different? Where is Kennedy?

Sam made his way to Camden's room. The crib was gone, there was just a bed, dresser, sports posters, and a desk.

"What the hell?" Sam muttered as she raced down the stairs.

He saw a blonde lady at the stove. She wore a baby blue blouse and her hair was curled. She had the same body figure as Jessica.

Sam couldn't believe his eyes. Was that Jessica? It couldn't be. Jessica was-

"Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?" The lady turns around.

It was Jessica. She had a fresh face. She looked as if she had aged a few years. Sam looked at Jessica with a blank face.

"Camden and Kennedy? Where are they? Kennedy is going to be late for school. It's seven thirty."

"Sam.... Kennedy's in Pennsylvania. And Camden is at a friends house. It's Saturday." Jessica chuckles flipping the pancakes.

"What is she doing in Pennsylvania? Camden's too young to stay at a friends house. Jessica you shouldn't be here. Why are you here?"

"She lives there with Vince, her fiancé. Sam what's going on with you? This is our home. I live here, silly. Camden's a high schooler, he's not too young for sleepovers." Jessica drops her utensils and crosses her arms

"Her fiancé? She can't get married. Jessica you're suppose to be-"

"Sam you love Vince, they're getting married this summer! And I know I am suppose to be heading out for the store. I'm a bit off schedule." Jessica giggles

"No- you're not suppose to be here." Sam backs away and rubs his eyes.

"Sammy, this is our home. Why wouldn't I be here? Are you feeling okay?"

Jessica walks up to Sam and puts her hand on his forehead. Sam looked at her up close and smelled her. She smelled just like lilacs. Her face lit up, she was beautiful. Just as Sam had remembered. Hearing her voice was refreshing. He missed her soft mellow tone.

Sam put his hand on top of hers. It was real. Jessica was with him again. It wasn't a dream.

"No fever... Hmmm, something must be going on with you."

"Nothings wrong Jessica. But it's you." Sam puts both hands on Jessica and she laughs.

"Im making you act weird?"

"No, it's you. You're my wife. You're here. I love you.

I'm sorry, I just had a bad dream. Maybe it took me a while to snap out of it." Sam says happily

"It's me, I'm you're wife. *giggles* maybe you just need some coffee."

Sam nods and sits down watching Jessica's smooth movements as she shifts back and forth. Sam always loved Jessica's body movements. Watching her made everything feel so real.

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