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Jessica sat next to Kennedy in shock, she wasn't prepared. She had herd Kennedy speak of Meryl, but never really to her. Jessica knew she couldn't get herself out of this. She thought it was always Kennedy that wasn't ready, but it was her.

"Mom?" Kennedy says snapping Jessica out of her stare. Jessica sniffles and sits up straight, taking Kennedy's hand, looking into her eyes. She takes a deep breath and begins.

"Um okay, well it is a very confusing situation. We should talk with daddy about it one-" Kennedy gets up and yells for Sam, interrupting Jessica. Sam runs upstairs peeping through the window. He looks at Jessica, with small tears down her face. He knew something was wrong. He walks into the room and Kennedy takes his hand, sitting him down in the other bean bag.

"What is going on? Jess, whats wrong." Sam leans over and puts his hand on Jessica's knee.

"Mommy was going to tell me about my real mom. She said when you were here, so I called you up." Kennedy plops herself down on the floor in between Sam and Jessica.

"Is this what has been bothering you? Your birth mom?" As Sam talks to Kennedy, he didn't take his eyes off Jessica, who was trying to hold back her emotions.

"I never really thought about her until now. Can you please answer."

"Ken, I don't think this is the right time, look at your mother."

"No, No. I am fine. What do you want to know?" Jessica sits up wiping her tears. She wraps her arms around her stomach, and looks at Kennedy with a forced smile.

"Jess, are you sure?"

"Sam! If she wants to know. Then she wants to know." Jessica looks at Sam.

"Why did my mom leave me? It doesn't make sense. Mommy's are supposed to love their daughters. She must not have loved me. If she did, she wouldn't have given me to you." Kennedy looks down at the floor, waiting for an answer.

"She was sick Ken. She could not take care of you. And she did love you, she wanted what was best for you, and thats why you are here, with us, your Mommy and Daddy." Sam says, getting closer to Jessica taking her hand. She sat in silence, letting Sam take over.

"But she is my mom. Right? What was she like? How did you know her?" Jessica immediately signaled Sam. When Meryl first gave Jessica Kennedy, Meryl insisted that Kennedy does not know who she really is, that her and Jessica were friends, she didn't want Kennedy to know anything. If you think about it, it is impossible to hid things like that, because one day she will find out if she has the desire too.

"Do you want to see your mom Ken, she is right her, right in front of you." Sam says in an angry tone pointing to Jessica in tears.

"This is your mom Ken, the mom that has taken care of you since you were a few months old. She has helped you, cared for you, taught you right from wrong, nourished you, and most importantly, she has loved you. And the same goes for me. Your birth mother couldn't take care of you Kennedy, she wanted what was best for you so you could have an amazing life, safe and cared for." Sam puts his hand on Kennedy's shoulder and smiles.

Jessica runs out of the room covering her mouth. Sam gets up to chase after her.

"Don't! Just stay here." Sam's eyes follow Jessica out the room, Kennedy sits in silence with her head down, she begins to cry.

"I am sorry daddy, I, I didn't mean to make you upset. I didn't mean to make her upset either, I am just so confused. I never wanted to know. But those girls put things into my head, I wanted to know why." Kennedy put her head into Sam's chest. Sam rest his head on hers, looking out the door into the hallway, seeing Jessica's shadow, with one hand on her stomach, and the other over her mouth.

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